My face was probably scarlet red by now...

"Amor~e mio."

"Stop rolling your tongue!" I said trying to hide my blush.

"On a serious note." he said leaning on his desk, running his fingers through his soft hair, "Are you seriously going for Americano?"

"That's your nickname for him?"


"Miguel, you're just too arrogant for me. You have the charms and everything, but... I hate how you think you're all that."

"I am." he said with a smirk.

"You have to realize that people aren't objects, seriously..."

"Follow your heart."

"My heart wants Miguel."

He slammed his fist on his table.

"You know you want me more than him!" he yelled.

"He wouldn't do something like that. He compliments me on a daily basis, he makes me feel human, he makes me feel loved."

"You're beautiful, I love you, let's go in."

"Go out."


"Same thing." he said with a shrug, "I'm just saying. And what you pulled off in class, I just want to let you know that I am not impressed."

"You were the one saying inappropriate things..." I mumbled.

"Yeah, but I'm your teacher."

"That makes no sense." I said with a scowl, "I'm leaving."


I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head.

"Miguel, come on."

"You have work after school."


"I'll be there."

"Don't go there, trust me."

"I want to. I will go, I am human after all."

"Then I'll quit."

"Good, you won't have to show off your body to anyone but me."



"Why are you so arrogant? It's starting to annoy me now."

His eyes roamed from mine to the ceiling. He chuckled and lightly sighed.

"Ouch." he mumbled, "Well, what else would you expect? I'm your typical brat. Grew up in a wealthy family, proud Italian, bought my way through everything... Why should I not be arrogant?"

"Because there's something called feelings."

"I'm surprised you didn't even ask me how rich I am."

"Honestly, I don't care." I said narrowing my eyes, "If you were dirt poor and kind, I seriously would accept you. Even though you're handsome and all, I don't see myself dating you."

"You're so repetitive." he said with a shake of his head, "You always say the same thing but you never mean it."

"Of course I mean it." I mumbled, "You're so cliche, you keep me after class just to annoy me. You threatneed to report me to the principal in the beginning of the school year, why didn't you?"

He stayed silent and looked away.


"Does it matter?" he snapped, "I guess sympathy."

How to get an A [TeacherxStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Where stories live. Discover now