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Angel woke up, 4am once again he just got out of bed. He went downstairs and ate a quarter of the bar once more. He felt so hungry and without thinking or listening to the voice inside his head he quickly ate the last quarter of the bar, 10 calories. He ran to the bathroom and threw it all up, he sighed and turned on the tap to wash  his face, weak, can't even keep anything down. How pathetic, he was mumbling this to himself when he heard something. Radio static.

He turned around and saw Alastor watching,
"What the fuck Al, how much have you seen?!" Angel shouted pushing himself up against the wall, that when he realised that he hadn't changed out of his pyjamas today. His pajamas consisted of long black leggings with a pink spider to the side. He wore socks (still couldn't stand his feet) and he wore a crop top with long sleeves. Exposing his entire stomach...

He had faint scars all over his stomach and he was so thin your wrap a hairband around his waist and it would fit perfectly. He covered his waist and wrapped his arms around himself, but Al wasn't stupid,
"Why I was up to make everybody early breakfast when I saw a figure running to the bathroom as soon as I came downstairs. I followed and saw you. You seemed to be saying something to yourself...." He held Angels hands and pulled them off his stomach before asking,
"Angel, are you alright?"

Alastor's story wasn't true, he heard Angel getting up and followed him, he saw everything, he watched Angel eat the bar, run to the bathroom and especially payed close attention to his form and body's state. Angel looked away from Al. He pushed himself from the wall and attempted to push past Alastor. Alastor wouldn't let this happen though and grabbed his wrist, Angel flinched hard and gritted his teeth, he wouldn't cry in front of the radio demon, he wouldn't cry in front of anyone.

Alastor grabbed Angels wrist so suddenly that he spun round and stood face to face with the radio demon. They stared into each others eyes and Alastor could see the pain in Angels soul. Angel suddenly realised how hard he was blushing and pushed Alastor of once more. Alastor followed Angel all the way up the stairs before being shut out once more by Angel who shut the door in his face. Alastor wanted to teleport in the room but respected Angels privacy, he went downstairs to continue breakfast for the others.

Angel went upstairs and put new bandages on his scars before taking another pill and washing it down with some vodka. He sat on his bed and held fat nuggets in his arms.
Don't cry don't cry... Crying makes you weak!
He blinked back tears and kissed fat nuggets on the forehead. He opened up his phone.
17 missed messages from ~Daddy~

He sighed and responded to him, he picked up his outfit, he had to get to the studio quickly, it was only 5am! He got dressed and put his coat on, leaving quickly with a slam. Alastor looked over and sighed, he took the heart pancake he made and put it in the fridge in a plastic box. Just for Angel, not because he cared, no! He just knew Angel needed to eat and one of the pancakes happened to form in the shape of a heart.

Angel arrived at the studio and entered Valentino's office, he immediately felt a punch to the face and fell back, Valentino put his hand around Angels waist and picked him up with ease,
"Good, you've been watching your wait then..." Angel nodded quickly, rubbing his face, he smiled brightly at Valentino. Valentino grinned, "A pretty smile isn't going to fix everything, you know what's coming, let's get it over wit' then..." Valentino chuckled as Angel pleaded for forgiveness, Valentino threw Angel across the room, he crashed through the doors and hit his head on the balcony, at least he would be unconscious, less pain for him. As the world around him turned black, he saw Valentino's face over him grinning even wider than before,

*Sorry for the short chapter but I thought this would be a great place to stop, thanks for reading, love you all!!!*

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