6 Episode 3 (1/2)

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Ekko and I didn't listen to Benzo and snuck through the roof and hid in an alleyway looking at what's going down

I put Ekko behind me so if they saw us, in reality they would only see me, though Ekko could see out into the street.

I saw Benzo and Vander walk up to the door and open it. I could see anything else, so I just listened.

"Vander?" It was Vi's voice that spoke first. "We don't have much time." Vander seemed stressed. "How did you find me?" To be fair I was thinking that to.

"I'm proud of you. Always have been." Vander seemed to rush his words a bit.
"I'm sorry, I... This is the only way to protect the others." What the hell is she talking about?

''Vander.'' I heard dogs barking in the distance, then I saw it. Blue clothing. I backed up a bit so I was out of sight. I held Ekko's hand as he stood next to me now.

"You've got a good heart. Don't ever lose it. No matter how the world tries to break you. Protect the family." What was happening..? "What are you..." I heard a door slam shut and another open.

I looked at Ekko and signalled him to stay quiet, we couldn't risk getting caught. The congestion between the sheriff and Vander started.

"I'm guessing that's for me." She was referring to Vi locked in the room behind Vander.

I looked around the corner more to try and see what was happening when the wall was in the way.

"You gonna let us make the arrest or not?" A guy enforcer, his voice sounded familiar. The guy who grabbed Powders hair that day..

"You'll oblige a doomed man one last smoke. Won't you?" Vander was thinking on turning himself in? There was a moment of silence before Footsteps were heard.

"I'm not putting you away, Vander." I always found her voice so calming, she was a nice enforcer. She actually listened to the people of the underground, not just ignore us and hurt us.

"The Council needs its pound of flesh." His voice was calm. Completely calm. "Without you down here, it all falls apart." She had a fair point, Vander was the peace keeper. "Benzo will handle things. he may not have my devilish charm, but he runs a tight ship."

Ekko started to shake at the words, I tightened my grip on his hand, not enough to hurt him though. He must blame himself for giving us the tip, now it has came down to this...

The whole time Vi was banging on the door and yelling, but I was more focused on what Vander and the sheriff were saying. "You won't be coming back for a long time." What I heard about Stillwater... It was horrible, I would never want anyone to go there...

"I know." There was a clicking of handcuffs, it was quiet, I almost couldn't hear it. I spotted two people in the distance. I pushed Ekko and I back a little more.

Now what Vander and the sheriff were saying didn't matter to me. There was a relatively small guy, he was like a twig and a big abnormal guy.

The sheriff, Vander, Benzo and other enforcers walked out the door and the big guy started charging. The enforcers pulled out their guns and started shooting at it.

That Didn't phase it, there was yelling but as soon as it got to the enforcers it tore them apart. I covered Ekko's mouth as he gasped, I could feel him starting to shake more, but he couldn't take his eyes off what was unfolding.

I tried my hardest not to make any noise but soon tears started falling. "What the devil..." Benzo has a baton from one of the enforcers, Silco approached them.

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