Fang : fear is coming true....he is getting depressed again and his wounds are reopening very fastly...(with a low and sad voice)

Kaizo : You are right Fang....we should take care of him from further depressions or else we don't know what's going to happen....

Aria : This the first time I saw him this much stressed and depressed....he usually shares every single thing with me but this time he is not sharing with me he is just keeping everything to himself and suffering because of that...and he is a specialist in hiding his true feelings......(said bending her head down with tears)

Ochobot : I should have made another excuse when he asked me that what I was thinking....(with guilty)

Fang : Huh?!! So you weren't thinking about that...then what were you thinking ochobot??

Ochobot : Actually I saw someone following us in the hallway...I was just thinking about that....

Kaizo : You mean you are thinking if that person is.....(paused)

Aria : ....uncle Amato..(finishes the statement)

???? : I should have been more careful..(sighs sadly)

A unknown voice came from the back of them...

Ochobot and others : Admiral/Uncle

Amato : (smiles) Yeah it's me!!! How are you all and mice to meet you ochobot....

Ochobot and others : we are fine...

Ochobot : nice to meet you too sir...

Mechabot : No need to give that much respect to this old man....

Amato : Can't you be serious even for a sec......have you forgotten what happened here just now....they are still shocked from what happened???

Fang : it's not like that we are shocked ....we are just worried.....

Amato : (kneels to Fang's height) I know that you are worried about your big brother Fang....same goes to you all....and.... I'm sorry.....all of this is happening because of me.....(with a soft voice)

Kaizo : Don't say like that uncle.....

Amato : why not kaizo?!! I am saying the truth and you know it as well...

Kaizo : But....


Fang : Aria is right....we should go near him.....he need someone he can share his feels.....

Ochobot : And that someone is not here....

Everyone realised that and got sad...

Fang : Why does always my brother R's happiness is effected.....can't he be happy even for a while.....(with tears in his eyes)

Amato then ruffles Fang's hair and wipes away his tears.....

Amato : Stop crying Fang.....if that same brother of yours finds you like this then he is going to be guilty right and you don't want that to you??

Fang : That's right.....but because of all the incidents took place in his life...h-he started to think that his happiness is going to hurt his dear ones and because of that he is not behaving like he used to behave.....

Everyone there was now beyond shocked by listening Fang's words...

Meanwhile with Boboiboy~

Boboiboy came back to his room and locked the door....then he went near bed and holds his watch like he is gonna use it....

Boboiboy : I should let all of my feelings to someone otherwise it's gonna be a problem to everyone (holds his watch) and that someone is.....
.{You guys should know who are they}
BOBOIBOY ELEMENTAL SPILT FROM THE OWNER....{now guys going to know who is this he in the story} ALL EIGHT ELEMENTS

Suddenly the room fills with a bright light and fades away showing nine Boboiboys......we can see that the original Boboiboy is sitting on the bed and bending his head down....and then one element came near him and put his hand on his shoulder and kneeled down to see his face.....

{You guys know that element right}

Gempa : Now....share the feeling you wanted to share with us......we all are here to listen you out.....

Boboiboy : Why.....


another chapter

has been published

And I'm sorry again for the small chapter....

I published it today because I told that I will publish today...

And the mysterious person he is going reveal in the next chapter...

And guys must have guessed who is that.....

Okay time to sleep

Good morning / night to everyone....

Your Author Anu

Signing off...

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