The Tower of Infinity (2)

Start from the beginning

It was easier than it would've normally been since the queen was conveniently about to give birth.

"That's taken care of—"

—Thud thud thud thud thud

At that moment, the dissonant sound of several bodies falling to the ground rang out. Then, Aya snickered as she trotted past.

"Jeez, you kids are so riled up that you didn't bother looking up."

Looking up, the Companions could see several holes in the ceiling from where ant knights had come from.

"...Well, how 'bout that."

Olfred muttered before sending a wave of magma to eat up the eggs.


After wrapping up the extermination, we entered a stairwell that opened up on the cave's far wall.

"...Dammit, why's it getting colder?"

Bairon's observation was a precursor of what was to come.

The theme of the 82nd floor was a frozen wasteland, and it was currently afflicted by a major blizzard... go figure.

As per the theme, thematic monsters also showed up.

From yetis to frost golems to wendigos to even ice monkeys (I don't know if they're actually called that, but that's what Alea called it before summoning a plant to skewer it).

"... It's like it's winter down here."

For me, it was a magical sight. On Earth, the skies were too polluted for the production of such clear snow. We had some snot come falling from the sky every now and then, but a white winter was unheard of in my day and age.

But, it seemed I was the only one who appreciated the frozen scenery.

"Thanks, captain obvious."

Bairon spoke as he threw on a fur-lined coat over his armor.

Even for the mages, the snot freezing cold from wind chill, piercing gales, and subzero temperatures was too much to handle.


Thunderlord paused and then pressed his fingers over his eyelids.


Bairon was technically high ranked enough in the nobility ladder that he could appoint ranks beyond captain if he so wished to and, by tradition, the words of nobility had to be "honest." Nobility weren't supposed to ever lie as they were supposed to be the embodiments of a perfect human.

"Does that mean I'm a captain now?"

"You better take this to your grave..."

Bairon looked like he was in agony over his error.

"Well, looks like you're ranked in two different armies now."

"Yep. Oh, on your left."

Conjuring a sword made of plants out of thin air instantaneously, Alea's blade stabbed the yeti. Bright blue blood bubbled from the wound.

"...Yetis travel in troops."

The revelation of an entire troop of 26 angry yetis surrounding us made us quickly assume a defensive circle formation. Yetis were AA-rank monsters, and a count of this many was equivalent to at least 2 S-rank mana beasts.


With Varay's shout, who had become a kind of de facto leader despite her silence, we burst from out of circle formation and began slaughtering the yetis, 3-4 each, in our own ways.

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