Side Stories - Ripples

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A/N: So, this is a bit of something I always wanted to do. Plus, the last chapter was a bit slow and lacking in content imo so I thought it'd be a perfect opportunity to write it.

In any case, this is a collection of a bunch of side stories that take place after the tournament.

I'm not sure if I'll be doing another one of these in the future, but since there's a chance I might, I gave this collection a title.

Ripples are supposed to be the resulting ripples from a disturbance in the lake and that's what these side stories are supposed to represent. The resulting changes in Asher's existence. Anyways, that's enough rambling from me. Do tell me what you think of this sort of thing.

Happy reading :D

The First Ripple, Tyrannosaurus Diaperpoop

It's Tyrelliuriarise Dieritirdutiropiaion IV!!

Is what Tyrelliuriarise Dieritirdutiropiaion IV would've said if he could hear this narration, but as an extra made for the sole purpose of filling in a tournament slot, he had no such powers.

What he did have, however, was shattered noble pride.

After getting smashed into the wall before he could even finish chanting his spell, he began to wonder what exactly his life was about.

Yes, this 14 year old assfart— er, noble was currently having a serious introspection as he sat on a recliner on his veranda, getting a tan. (For some reason, his pubescent mind thought that he would become a new person if he got himself a tan)

Regardless of his current outer appearance, the boy was actually giving this serious thought. What was his noble pride worth? He thought because he was born into a noble house and was afforded all the luxuries and goods in the world, as well as being graced with talent in magic, his life would be easy.

However, after being knocked out of the tournament he'd expected to win in, he began to seriously contemplate what exactly went wrong.

"...Is it perhaps... arrogance? But I'm not arrogant... I'm just acting as per my status allows... but... that's a subjective view... am I... arrogant from an objective view?"

He muttered as his servants flipped him over to tan his backside.

"...Hey, servant."

Suddenly, he decided to ask one of his poor attendants.

"Y-yes, sir."

"Am I arrogant?"


The servant stared opened mouth for a second as he was suddenly pushed into a predicament.

What was he supposed to say? No? But that'd be a lie, and servants couldn't lie. But should he say yes? No. That'd be a one way ticket to the chopping block.

"...I believe you are perfect the way you are, young master."

In the end, he just gave a factory response.

"...But I don't think so."

The once prideful young master began to seriously contemplate what kind of person he was.


The Second Ripple, Alistair


Doradrea was currently on her bed, drooling over a book.

It was a new novel that had been released by her favorite author, Riarch Tirstil. It was about a group of brave warriors who left their home on a quest to kill a long time family enemy. However, rather than reading the novel, she had been staring at one of the illustrations for the past half an hour. It was a good novel with an incredible story, but it, unfortunately, met the wrong reader.

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