Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Resta sat limp and defeated against the wall of her cell.  Her blank stare was focused on the guard, though she didn’t really see anything.


The smell around her was foul.  Around what she’d thought was a week ago, Resta had woken to a rotten stench.  Different than the normal scent of the small room.


It had been coming from her.  She’d known instantly what it was.  Her wound had become infected.  The gash on her leg was infected, which was why it hadn’t healed.


The deep cut had swollen over these past weeks.  It had started dripping pus.  When Resta saw it, she’d vomited.  She knew she was due to die soon, if only from malnourishment.


The wound on her stomach had healed partially, but she wasn’t sure if it’d healed properly.  It still hurt and Resta thought it would for a long while.


Resta knew something was wrong when her food was brought to her.  It was the brunette guard, which relieved her.  His feelings for her were far from kindness but at least he did not shove her food.  She’d be able to eat the full meal and have a full glass of water.


The food he brought her was not the normal meal she was given.  Along with her traditional moldy bread and foggy water, there was an overly soft eggplant.  Her meals never varied.  Never. It could mean only one thing.


Today was the day she died.


It was her last meal.  Some feeble attempt at a goodwill.  Resta was angry.


Resta knew her death would be a public one.  It was the only reason she could fathom to answer the question of why she was alive.  They must’ve waited until rumor had solidified into truth.  Show them the lack of deaths while she was in prison.  Show the people who she was.  Then they’d kill her, in front of the people of the city.  Show them she was dead.


Resta was angry.  She wished they’d just killed her when they’d first found her.  Richard hated her, and this was his revenge.  Resta was angry.


More than ever, she wanted the king dead.  Her fists were clenched, and blood dripped from where her nails dug into her palms.


Her enraged gaze found the eggplant.  Purple.  Resta’s anger softened a little, replaced with sadness.  She wanted her home.  It was Richard’s fault she could never go home, it had always been.


Resta took the eggplant in her hand.  Using what little strength she had, she hurled it at the door of her cell.  It splattered like a rotten tomato against the wall, dripping juices on the floor that made the rats race towards it.


The throwing action depleted her of her anger, like an old balloon.  She was left empty, just wishing things had ended differently.


She wished Victor had come for her.  She wished she’d been more careful that night.  She wished she’d never met Julian.  She wished they’d killed her.


Resta was too hungry not to eat the food.  The bread felt like pins going down her throat, but the water running over her cracked lips and dry throat soothed the pain.


As soon as Resta had finished eating, the guards came for her.  Not just the brunette, but all three.  Funny how they would lead her to her death, and she didn’t even know their names.


They covered her head with a sack and freed her from her bonds.  They grabbed her roughly, squeezing the raw skin on her wrists.  She was taken from the small cell and through hallways.


Resta couldn’t even walk, so the guards were forced to drag her.  Humiliating.  Not for the first time, Resta wished she could kill these men.


She attempted to keep track of the turns made by the men, but she was light headed and eventually lost count.  This was her first time out of that stinking cell in months, but it was hard to enjoy it.

While she walked, she could hear the screeching again.  It made her realize how scared she truly was.  There was no use knowing it was a scare tactic if it scared her regardless, was there?  She wanted to live, but didn’t see how it was possible.

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