Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Perhaps if Resta had been more careful, the night would have ended differently.  As it was, she just wanted to get the job done.  Resta didn’t think she could handle even a week of watching the Lady; she was even more dull than her husband.

The Lady just sat in her rooms, lying around.  She’d learned from the same boy as before that his mistress had taken to not eating.  She spent only a day gathering information before making her move.  It seemed to Resta that in a week’s time she wouldn’t even have been needed.

However, Lady Boring did have a rotating shift of guards as she predicted.  There were six in all, though only two would be on duty at a time.  Two for night, two for day and two for dusk and dawn.  One guard was to be in her chambers and one was to guard her door.

Honestly, what was the sense in that?  Both guards being isolated made it easier for a single person to take them down.  A one on one fight is much simpler than fighting two men at once.

Through her observations, Resta learned that the night guard would be the easiest to deal with.  Since their host would be sleeping, they had no obligations to actually do their job.  She’d seen them leave the house at dawn, positively sloshed.

Resta’s plan was to enter the house when the clock was half past twelve.  Four and a half hours into the night shift would give her time before the rotation and ensure that they were properly inebriated before entering.  She didn’t bother to learn the staff rotations.

She made her return to the terracotta buildings around midnight.  She watched for any irregularities in the household until a quarter of the clock had passed and she could wait no longer.  There were no changes to be seen except the movements of male silhouettes behind the Lady’s window.  The night was a dismal one, nearly frozen rain pounding down and a brisk wind paired with it.

Carefully, quietly, Resta made her way to the front door.  It was locked but she did away with that quick enough.  The house was old and as Resta crept inside, there were the inevitable creaks and squeaks of the floor boards.

Dashing up the stairs, going as light on her feet as possible, Resta knew if she went slowly it would just squeak all the louder.  She got away with only a few minor creaks.

Resta knew the Lady’s door was the third to the left.  She bent low to the ground and stuck her head out just enough to see down the hall, dagger in hand.

There was the door...but no guard.

Perhaps the guard was inside with his companion?  Having come to far now, Resta decided to go ahead as planned. On a different night, she might’ve turned back but she was in no mood for the trek back, having failed.

She pulled out a second dagger, deciding it would be better than a sword in this situation.  They were common ones, made of simple iron.  But they would get the job done as well as any other.

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