The date/ La cita

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[Hey y'all, here's a little New Year's special. I hope you love it and remember to vote and comment. Going through a little rough part of my life because of the New Years, but I promise it won't get in the way. I love you all and have an amazing year<3]

{this story was inspired by the 7 of swords upright}

I woke up early in the morning, getting up before the sun, I went downstairs and made a quick arepa.

"I wonder if you're awake too, Dolores." I whispered, smiling while eating the arepa.

I can't believe Dolores really asked me out! It was so out of the blue. I went back to my room and looked at my closet. None of these look good for the date! I continued to look, but I didn't find anything good. I can't wear the same thing from yesterday. I mean, technically, Dolores has been for the past week. I shook my head. She's pretty, she can pull it off. And besides, she probably has the exact same clothes in her closet, that's probably why she looks like she wears the same outfit.

I pulled out a red dress. It looks similar to what Dolores wears, except the whole thing is different shades of red instead of oranges and yellows. I sighed. I'm gonna add little details on it. Ana was the only one with the sewing machine so I acted strategically and slowly creeped towards her room as to not wake anyone up. As I creaked the door open however, I saw Ana awake, looking out her window.

"I wish I was a Madrigal." She whispered. She sighed and got up back to her bed. She saw me at the door and almost yelled.

"What are you doing in here!" She quietly screamed.

"I, um, need the sewing machine." I said. I put on a nervous smile. Ana just sighed and pointed at her closet.

"It's up there. Take it and get out of my room."

I quickly grabbed the sewing machine and materials. I opened the door, but before I left I looked at Ana, laying on her bed facing away from me.

"Ana, you don't need to be a Madrigal to be special." I said.

"We all think you're amazing already."

She just shooed me away, but before I closed the door, I heard her whisper.

"Thanks, Y/N."

I slowly and quietly closed the door. I smiled then tip-toed to my room. I set the machine down on my dresser and started working. After a couple hours designing the bottom, ends, and collar of the dress, I looked out my window real quick. The sun started rising over the mountains. It was a sight to see. I smiled, then looked back at the dress. I decided to add a little sun and golden heart on the front of the dress. It'll match the earrings she wears.

I tried on the dress and it looked spectacular. I can't wait to show it to Dolores for our date. I looked out the window. There was a beautiful yellow butterfly. Maybe I should add a butterfly? No, that's gonna be more work. This is fine, she gonna love it. People should be getting up now so I went to check downstairs.

I saw my dad in the kitchen making some food for him and mom. Mom was just watching a show in the tiny TV by the table. I greeted them both and they looked surprised.

"Mira que bonita te ves, hija." My mom said. I chuckled. She got up and looked at my dress.

"You're sewing has gotten better!"

"Thanks, mamá. I've been practicing."

"Who are you getting ready for, mija?" My dad asked, prepping the plates.

I heard you~ (Dolores Madrigal x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now