the club... bingo

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Another day at work. Fuck I hated having to go to work

I entered the black car, and waited until my eyes were blinded by flashlights

Always the same bullshit.

Someone opened the door so I could step out, my black thin heels echoed on the sidewalk until I made my way to the entrance of the building,

My building but who's counting right ?

The secretary was typing something on her computer. As soon as she noticed me her eyes instantly met the floor while she nodded,

I simply bent my head slightly.

I was now at my office at 8 in the damn morning, ugh why I had to do this to myself ?

I knew I could make my own agenda but still I insisted in working at morning times.

I let out a groan while placing my hands at my eyes, I didn't had much time at peace tho, an annoying knock at my door made me flinch

What the hell they wanted now ?

"Miss Martín sorry to interrupt but a client is waiting" the same receptionist of earlier (or her twin, honestly they looked the fucking same) spoke.

"Right" I replied with clenched teeth.

Not much later a pretty woman wearing a black dress that stopped right into her ankles along with green heels stepped into my office.

I got up and started making business.

After two long hours I was finished, and got what I wanted,

The client wanted a line of clothes designed by me obviously to showcase at her new runway.

She also made it obvious by talking twenty minutes the same thing. She wanted the theme to be extravagant,

Oh this was going to be fire baby.

It was finally the end of the day, that I spent making drawings and drawings of the dresses that could be incorporated in the runway

They weren't 'extravagant' enough tho

Fuck it.

I rolled my eyes as I crumpled the sketch of a red dress, I looked at the clock and it was time for some party time.

I packed my things as fast as possible, and made my way down the stairs. I couldn't care to wait for the freaking elevator, that shit took ages

And one thing I knew, Catherine Martín didn't like to wait.

Opposite from mornings outside at this time there were no paparazzi and their dumb flashlights, I swear one time I thought my eyes were gonna fall off.

Fortunetelly my car was already waiting for me, I waited for the driver to open the door, and while I was adjusting myself into the seat with a smirk I said

"You know where we're headed"


I got into the loud destination, with once again lots os flashlights, but guess what this time they were colorful,

Yeah typical of a club right,


As soon as I was inside, the music filled my ears. There were people dancing, getting waisted, and obviously fucking


I went to the mini bar, and asked for tequilla,

this girl was not here to play

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