Yes Mako


                                                                              Shibuya why?


                                                                          BITCH QUIT YELLING

Sorry but you are needed in Yokohama one of the casinos caught fire


                                                 call ended

“yo! Karma what's all that about?” a curious draken asked.

“One of my beloved casinos caught fire.·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'·..”

“You own a casino?”

“No no no you simpleton I don't own one I own 4 in Yokohama, 7 in Roppongi, and 4 in Tokyo. Oh! I also own several strip clubs but that's another story”

“Karma don't leave me” Mikey muttered in his sleep, making Karma's heart skip a beat ‘what is this feeling’ she thought not liking this new feeling in her chest.

“Don't worry boss I'll be back before you know it, believe it!” she said as she stood on the tip of her toes to kiss Mikey on his nose, who was still sleeping on Drake's back.

“Wait are you guys to-”

“Bye Ken-chin, Bai Bai sleeping Mikey,” she said as she ran in the other direction.

“Hi Takeminaj, bye Takeminaj!" Waving at a spying takemichi.

Finally reaching the Shibuya train station, some lil shit bumps into her “Hey watch it extra!” “Are you perhaps karma?”

“Who's asking"

“The name's  Kisaki Tetta



Exiting the station in Yokohama karma put on her sunglasses to look cool, tripping over the air as she walked, she almost fell ALMOST “Pain is temporary but drip is forever” and with that, a car drove in front of her “Ma'am this way” a man says as he got out the car to open the door “M'kay”

Looking at her now destroyed building, Karma flew out of the car with fat tears streaming down her eyes, her arms stretched out as she started running, “My beloved money maker, noooooooooooooo (〒﹏〒)” Mako who had her arms stretched out thinking karma was gonna run into her arms, but karma ran past her and dramatically fall on her knees “whyyyyyyyyy ( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ ) canary nooOooOooOooo"

On the scene, there were several police officers and firefighters also not to mention some of Karma's underlings.

A police officer came up to her “Ma'am we are unclear on what caused the fire, but rest assured we will find out Miss Karma!”

You better”

Gulping, the officer mutters a simple “Yes ma'am”

Finally getting up off the floor several of her underlings ran up to her “Boss we have our suspicion”

“Do tell”

“Well we believe that the 'Goku group' in Nagoya started the fire”

“Is that so? Well do you- excuse me”

She got a phone call from Mikey.

                                                On call........

                                                                              Mikey-chan~ hi
Karma-kun~ hey

                                                                         So what you need

Well, when I woke up you weren't there so.......

                                                                       Oh! I'm in Yokohama

Huh! Why 

                                                Didn't that stupid Ken tell you anything

Umm I don't remember

               Well, I'm here because the ‘Yellow Canary' burnt down. My first child!

Oh shit! Really

                                        Yup, my heart hurts (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)

I'm sorry...... I guess, I know it's One of your favorite casinos

Yeah..... Well, I was gonna find out what caused the fire so talk later?

Yeah definitely!

                                                  See ya at the meeting tomorrow bye♡︎

Bye ♡︎

                                             Call ended.....

“Now shoto as you were saying”

Almost New Year's. Anyways thank you all for your support.🤍

A/n: It was two/three years ago when this chapter came out and let me tell you the cringe is too much. Kill me now 😭 what was I on?

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