Chapter 39

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Jules POV:

After the Hogsmeade trip, Oliver and I decided it's best we go to our respected dorms and then I'll see him later at dinner. We said bye to one another, I approached the barrels and then I did the password then went inside. I was on track to my room when I saw an unhappy looking boy on a seat by the large window. I started to work my way over to him.

I came by and sat on the arm of the seat, I looked at him then I looked out the window as he was.

"What's wrong Ced?" I asked while still looking out the window. He was sitting with his head in his right hand with his elbow propped up.

But he said nothing, just sat there staring. I then looked down at him and tapped his shoulder, he then jolted in his seat, he looked up at me, "Oh it's just you." he said then went back to original sitting position.

"Ouch" I said.

"Sorry J, I didn't mean it like that. It's just..." he paused mid-sentence, thinking on what to say next, or how to word it.

"Just what, Ced?" I asked softly. I'm trying not to pry if he doesn't want me too, so I'm trying to take a soft approach. But then again, he is my best friend and if something is wrong, I want to know how to help.

He suddenly started to sit up and run his hands through his hair in a stressful way. Then he laid his head on my arm that was nearest to him.

It was silent, I think he was trying to put the words together on what he was trying to say.

"I'm going to tell you something, but you can't tell Anne, okay?" He said, keeping his eyes on the window and sitting very still. I noticed that maybe he needed comfort of some sort, so I moved my arm he was laying on and moved it around his shoulder then I started to slowly run my hands through his hair...he always liked that, mostly from his Mum but she's not here so I guess it's me.

"Okay, yeah I promise I won't tell her anything Ced." I softly said, still running my hand.

"Have you ever noticed how beautiful Anne is? The way she walks, or just the way she writes something down, any little thing about her is just so beautiful..."

I decided to stay silent and just let him speak his feelings, so instead of talking I just nodded my head for him to continue.

"...Jules, she has a fever dream-" he then moved himself to look at me in the eyes instead of the window.

"-why did it take her to get a boyfriend for me to finally see it?" He said so softly, like I was a dandelion and if he talked too loudly, I would fly away.

But all I could say was, "I don't know Ced. Now, I know Anne like the back of my hand. But I can't speak for her, because I'm not her. You could try and talk to her though, you know that as stubborn as that girl is, she will talk to you in the full truth and right now I think that's what you both need from each other."

Ced went back to looking towards the window. He was quiet once more, before he decided to say something.

"Don't act like we forgot what's on Friday, because we didn't. We may ignore the topic and so do you. But you can't escape it."

I froze. Of course, I didn't forget what's on Friday, but I guess a little part of me was hoping that if I ignored it then it would pass through, and I would forget it completely. Cedric knew this topic is hard for me, and I understand why he brought it up

"Does Wood know?" He asked, I shook my head no.

"Are you going to tell him?" He asked another question.

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