Chapter 3

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Jules POV

I enter my common room to find a sleeping Cedric and Anne. Anne was laying on Ceds shoulder and his head was on top of hers. I always did think they would be a cute couple. Debating if I should wake them up or leave them sleeping I just let them sleep. I grabbed one of the blankets from me and Anne's room and put it over the two of them.

I quickly showered and got into my pjs. I grabbed a book off my shelf and began to read, but my mind was clouded by Oliver. I was looking up at the ceiling just thinking about him and eventually dozed off and fell asleep.

It was around 6am, time to wake up and get my day going. But first I'm gonna go wake up the other two downstairs. Walking down stairs I found the pair still sleeping but this time Ceds arms were wrapped around her. 'How cute' I thought...time for destruction. I pointed my wand towards the two and said 'Aguamenti' then they both shot up wide awake. "Jules Waters what the hell!" Anne yelled. Cedric had a sour face.

"Its 6:45 come on get ready for the day" I tried to say calmly so I don't get attacked. "J you couldn't just wake us up by tapping on us?" Cedric always was the nice one in the group. "I'm sorry" not really, I thought it was funny but oh well.

We went to go eat breakfast when they finally finished getting ready. As I was walking into the hall I saw Oliver eating his breakfast with the twins, Katie, Ron, Harry, Hermione and Percy. I was feeling very confident today for some reason so I walked over to them after saying bye to Anne and Ced. "Good morning guys" one more, like I said I was feeling confident "Good morning Oliver". After I said that the twins eyes went big, "First name basis now" George said. "Shut up, Morning Jules, how did you sleep". Oliver said while Fred was nudging George's shoulder with a smirk and Oliver noticed that and threw a cube of butter at them. "I slept fine thank you for asking" I laughed then sat down next to Percy and Hermione.

When I sat down many things were happening, Oliver the twins and Hermine were smiling at me, Katie was looking as if she was gonna kill me, and Ron and Harry were talking about something. A few moments later we were all chatting and eating breakfast when we were then given our timetables.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me, I have Herbology, History of Magic, Charms, DADA, Transfiguration and Potions last, why potions last, when I end my day I would like to be happy" I put my hands on my face. "Here let me look at your schedule" Oliver said then grabbed my paper. "We have our last three classes together, so maybe your day won't end horribly." He then handed me my paper back and on cue it was time to head to Herbolody.

Herbology wasn't so bad, we just reviewed what we will be needing for our OWls, that was basically what we did for all my classes. It was now time for DADA with Oliver. When I walked in Professor Quirrell had written some things on the board but I didn't pay much attention to it. As I was looking around hoping to sit next Oliver I saw he was already next to Percy which was okay I guess. But then I noticed Cedric walked in and I immediately became happy.

We found a seat towards the front but more on the side. As the class was going on me and Ced really didn't listen we just whispered to each other until Professor McGonagall came in asking for Wood. Me and Ced were confused as too why, maybe he got into trouble? But that didn't really make sense because Oliver was a good student.

A couple minutes later and he walked back in. I made a mental note to ask him about it when I talk to him next. After DADA me and Cedric said goodbye to each other and went our separate ways. As I turned a corner I bumped into Adrian Pucey. Great. Okay so not many know this but last year Adrian liked me and I decided to give him a shot but he was very clingy and touchy so I ended things with him. To be honest the only people who knew where Anne, the Wealeys and my family.

"Sorry- oh, Jules, nice running into you" Adrian said while wrapping his arms around my waist. Ha ha get off. I slowly started to push his hands off me while smiling and saying "Wish I could say the same" I started to walk away but he grabbed my hand. "Can you let go I have to get to class" I tried getting out of his grasp. "I think we both should skip" he started saying while pulling me into him. "Adrian not right now" I'm trying to get away from him. "But I want to" he said. "Let me go" his grip stayed firm on me.

"Oi Pucey, she said let her go" Oliver then came towards us, thank Helga someone heard me. "We're just talking, Wood , relax" Adrian said while letting me go. Oliver turned to me and said "You wanna go to class now?" I nodded my head and said "Very much yes." and we walked to Transfiguration leaving Adrian in an empty corridor.

"Thank you" I finally spoke up. "No you wanna talk about it?" Oliver asked me. I was thinking about telling him but I really didn't want to so I said "Not really no'' I looked up and then said "Sorry". He looked at me and smiled, he said that it was okay and we walked into the class together. Surprisingly we weren't late. We said our goodbyes and I went to sit next to Anne. Before the class started I told her what happened a few minutes ago...she was pissed.

In class we also just talked about our OWLs for this year. When class ended Anne told me to go walk with Oliver to Potions. So I did, "Hey Oliver" I said walking up to him "Hey, ready to die in potions?" he said with a side smile. I laughed and said "Yes, I am very excited" and with that we headed to Snape's classroom.

When we walked in Snape said "Waters and Wood you two are sitting at the desk towards the right side of the room. Finally a class where I get to sit next to this boy. We headed towards our seat and Snape started talking. I wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying I was just looking like I was, but really all that was in my mind was how good Oliver smelled. The class ended and we started heading out. "What did McGonagal want to talk to you about?" I started the conversation. "Can't tell you J, that's a secret that you will find out later." a secret hmm.

He asked where I was headed and I told him the Library to do some homework. He then agreed to come with me to make up some quidditch plays and I happily said okay. But then Katie Bell came running towards us "Hey Ollie...Waters' ' she started to wrap her arms around Oliver and he was wrapping his around her. When I tell you my heart hurt, I think it just got thrown off the Astronomy tower. "Where are you guys going?" she then asked us. "Heading to the library" Oliver told the girl. "Perfect I have work too" and they started walking in that direction.

Nope, Nope no i'm not doing this. I then said "Oh wait, i'm sorry I forgot, I was gonna go back to the common room to help Anne and Cedric with their work...maybe another time" I then gave them a smile and turned around. "Have fun" Katie said "Bye J'' Oliver said. "Just call me Waters'' and I turned a corner so they couldn't see me. I headed back to the common room trying not to cry but it was a little difficult.

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