Chapter Six

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Location: Class 3-A Dorms
Date: February 12th
Time: 6:30pm
No one's POV:

The class were all seated in the living room telling each other what they saw out there and what each of them experienced.

"Can I be honest here guys ..." Kirishima started hanging his head low, they all looked over at him waiting for him to continue; "I don't think this situation will get any better ... I really think it's gonna take a while to fix this whole mess ... maybe even years" he mumbled.

Uraraka bit her lip "God I hope not ... we were just about to graduate and become true heroes, I really don't want all our hard work to go down the drain" she frowned.

Midoriya shook his head "don't worry guys even if this thing last a little longer I believe we can handle it" he said giving them a shaky smile.

"You can't really believe that Midoriya" Jirou scoffed glancing over at him "we just lost 6 of our friends to this shit, I don't know about you guys but I feel like it's just a matter of time" she sighed.

Midoriya frowned "I have to believe it Jirou, even after loosing 6 of my friends ... you wanna know why? Because if we give up now then their deaths were pointless. My moms death? Pointless if I stop believing now" he said.

He glanced over his remaining classmates "even if it is a matter of time, and even if I end up loosing all of you I swear on my life that I won't give up believing. Because that means your deaths were pointless" he frowned and dropped his head "and if I'm the one who ends up dead next I don't want any of you to give up believing either" he said.

"Deku! Don't say that, I can't even fathom the thought of loosing one of my best friends" Uraraka frowned her eyes watering at the thought.

He shrugged "we have to be realistic"

She stood up and slapped the shit out of him "I don't care, don't say shit like that! Promise me- promise me you'll stay alive" she cried.

Midoriya stood up immediately towering over her "you know damn well I can't promise that Ochako, but I can promise that I'll bust my ass to stay as long as possible" he said.

She pushed him "that's not what you're supposed to say dumbass!" She frowned as tears poured down her face.

Midoriya gripped her wrist and frowned "Ochako that's all I can say" he said.

She tried to struggle out of his grip and was able to break one hand loose before swinging on him which he easily dodged.

This made Iida stand up and grab her pulling her back "Uraraka you must control yourself! You can not blame Midoriya for being honest" he said as she struggled in his grip.

"Am I interrupting something?" Aizawa said grabbing the whole class's attention.

"No sir" Iida said releasing Uraraka whom has relaxed for now.

"Good, I'm here to let all of you know you'll be taking a break from missions for a while, me and the other teachers decided that you all might need a recovery period to process and accept the lost of your fellow classmates" he explained.

Mineta stepped forward with concern written all over his face "you didn't find the ones that went missing?" He asked.

Aizawa sighed closing his eyes for a bit before opening them again "unfortunately no ... and sadly we can't spend time looking for them. So IF they are alive I trust they'll be able to use their training as heroes to make their way back to us or at the very least survive" he said before turning his back to us "take this time to recover and the next time I come back we'll talk" he said before walking out of the dorms leaving the class speechless.

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