Chapter Three

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Location: Izuku's House
Date: February 9th
Izuku Midoriya's POV:

My mom climbed off the bed and made her way towards us growling and swinging.

"W-What do we do?!" I yelled dodging her hand and pushing her back, Kacchan hurriedly grabbed her wrist and pulled them behind her back "I don't know but we gotta do something or she'll tear us apart!!" He yelled back.

I huffed as my mind raced, my mom was gone and now replaced by something completely different.

"We can't do anything rash, we could possibly save her so let's lock her in her bathroom and then lock her room door" I said.

He nodded "okay lead the way so she'll follow you" he said.

I did as he said and led them to her bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom, I signaled Kacchan to let her go, when he did she came stumbling towards me growling and swinging; I dodged her and ran past her towards Kacchan. I slammed the door closed and locked it with a huff of exhaustion.

"Now what?" He asked glancing down at me.
I bit my lip and stumbled back "we gotta get back before Aizawa actually kills me" I sighed before making my way towards my mom's room door with Kacchan hot on my trail.

When he walked out I locked and closed the door. We made our way to the front door and left closing and locking the door behind us.

"Okay let's go" I said before activating my quirk and taking off; I didn't have to look back to know Kacchan was not too far behind.


"You're back!" Uraraka yelled out when Kacchan and I walked into the dormitory.

We both came to a slow stop in front of everybody as they all redirected their attention to us. Aizawa stepped closer to us and looked at me "were you able to help your mother Midoriya?" He asked.

I bit my lip and tightened my fist, my head dropped as tears stung my eyes; "we were too late, she was already infected when we got there" Kacchan spoke up.

The room fell into silence and Aizawa placed his hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry to hear that Midoriya ... did she turn or?" He asked.

I slowly looked up at him and sniffled "she turned into a monster, and the only thing I could think of was to lock her up" I said in a shaky tone.

"I understand. Do you want to sit out? I think Nezu'll understand if you do" he said.

I shook my head and wiped my tears away "no use on crying over spilled milk, we have people to save" I said before clearing my throat.

He hesitated before patting my shoulder and pulling away "okay well, now that everyone is here, let's head to the main building and meet with everyone else" he said turning to the rest of the class.

"Yes sir" we all said simultaneously.

He nodded and led us out the building.

I walked slighting behind him with Kacchan right next to me, for the most part we just kept quiet and followed Aizawa.

"Deku? Hey are you okay?" Uraraka asked coming up behind me.

I flashed her a small smile and nodded "oh I'm fine, no need to worry" I said calmly.

She gave me an uneasy smile before nodding "okay well, you can talk to me if you need to, I'll be here" she said.

I nodded "thank you"

I continued walking ahead with a frown, I wasn't fine and I'm not sure if I'll ever be fine but I know for a fact that I didn't want to worry my friends. So if pretending I'm fine does that then I'll do just that.

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