Chapter Four

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Location: Class 3-A Dorms
Date: February 9th
Izuku Midoriya's POV:

After making sure the cost was clear I unlocked and entered the dorms, when I went inside I made sure I locked the doors and cleared the whole down stairs area before sitting down on the couch.

I let my mind drift off to what happened early this morning; I should've gotten there earlier ... she should've just stayed inside and called the cops. Why didn't she just stay inside?

I felt my anger spike again and I felt the need to do something, I stood up and made my way to the back door.

Making sure no one was around I quickly made my way out and used Full Cowling to launch myself on top of the UA gates, I scanned the area making sure everything was all clear before jumping down and taking off towards my house.

As I was running I saw a lot of damage around the area; crashed cars in the middle of the streets and sidewalks, dead people laying on the ground with their heads bashed in or there bodies torn apart, walking corps walking around and feeding on torn bodies, I could barely keep my eyes open the whole time.

I stopped and sighed in exhaustion, I looked up to see my house still standing, quickly I ran up the stairs and fished my keys out to unlock the front door.

I slammed the door open and sprinted upstairs to my moms room. When I got to her door I stopped and rested my head on it to calm down my breathing.

Taking a deep breath I stepped back and slammed my fist into the door breaking it into two, I kicked the rest of it down before slipping between the sharp points of the door, I walked over to her bathroom and snatched the door open revealing my mother just standing there.

She turned around towards me and started coming straight at me groaning and growling swinging her arms aggressively.

I easily dodged her swings and just looked at her with sadness and anger, "why'd you have to go and be a hero mom-" I said as my voice cracked.

"You would've still been here if you just stayed inside and called for help" I sniffled as my eyes watered.

She growled and swung again making me dodge "I'm so sorry I didn't get here fast enough" I mumbled dodging another hit.

I grabbed her hands and shoved them down "I'm going to make it right okay? Let me make it right" I mumbled.

I pushed her back and grabbed her pocket knife that was on her bed, I opened it and looked back at her just in time to dodge another hit.

"I love you mom" I whispered before jamming the knife into her skull, I squeezed my eyes shut as I shoved it further into her head "it's okay I got you" I mumbled as her body went limb in my arms.

When she completely stopped struggling I pulled her body closer into a hug and fell to my knees, I yanked the knife out and threw it across the room before wiping her forehead off.

I sat there on the ground with my mother laying in my arms dead, I mumbled 'I love you's' and 'I'm sorry's' as I pushed her hair back.

Even when I heard voices and footsteps coming from downstairs I stayed by her side and watched her.

After a while I looked up when I heard someone coming in through my moms room door. "There's a kid here and what seems to be his dead mother" the cop lady said into her walky-talky. (Deku is definitely 18 around this time but older people still refer to teenagers as kids so don't bug me about it).

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