Eijiro kirishima x phonophobic!reader

Mulai dari awal

„Yeah i'll brighten up tomorrow!!", his bestie yelled back.

„Guys the fireworks are starting soon!!", sero informed the group.

„Really?! It's already this late?!", mina stared at us surprised.

„We have to go get a good spot to watch the fireworks!!", kaminari said and ran off somewhere.

„hey denki wait up!!", mina yelled and ran after him.

„I'll keep a watch on them, bakugo wanna tag along?", sero questioned.

„Nah i prefer going home so that's what i'm gonna do.", bakugo replied and walked off on his own.

„And you two lovebirds can go enjoy yourselves now", sero turned to eijiro and me and winked.

„Yeah thanks sero!", eijiro replied and took my hand.

„We'll see ya guys later!!", i yelled back to the black haired male and walked off with eijiro.

„So eiji where are we heading?", i asked my red haired boyfriend.

„I found this really good spot were we can watch the firewors from and not many people know about it either!", he informed me.

„And we've already arrived!", eijiro announced and i looked around me to see just a couple of people sitting on benches scattered over the place.

„It's pretty nice here.", i smiled and looked at eijiro.

„I'm glad you like it!", he smiled back, flashing his sharp teeth.

„Hey the fireworks are starting!", someone yelled which caused everyone to look up to the sky waiting eagerly for the beautiful fireworks. I was starting to panic and clutched eijiros sleve which he ofcourse took notice of.

„Hey baby shark it'll be alright i'm here for you you can count on me to protect you from any harm! That's what a manly boyfriend's gotta do!", he comforted me and took me into his arms giving me a comforting hug.

„Thanks sharky...", i snuggled deeper into his chest and waited. Then suddenly the firekors went off. I flinched and let out a little yelp but turned around to look at the fireworks.

„You see it's absolutely fine babe! Nothings gonna hurt you now you're safe with me!", eijiro said just loud enough for me to hear over the sound of the fureworks going off.

„Y-yeah thanks eiji!", i shakily smiled at him. In reply he just hugged me tighter and kissed me on the forehead. The fireworks keep getting louder and i was on the brink of crying but i tried to hold it in. Everntually tears still slipped out and i was silently crying into eijiros chest.

„Hey baby shark calm down it's almost over. Shhh...it's alright let it all out ok? There's nothing to be scared of. Nothing's gonna hurt you. I'm here don't worry and i'm not going anywhere...", he whispered comforting words into my ear and eventually the fireworks did stop.

„T-thank you s-so much for staying w-with me eiji...", i sniffled and wiped my tears with my sleve.

„Don't have to thank me! I'm always here for you ok baby shark? I love you sooo much!!", he replied and gave me a kiss on the nose.

„I love you too..." i smiled softly at him.

„How was i this lucky to get such a great and caring manly boyfriend...", i burried my face into his chest again and relaxed my shaking limbs.

„I guess we were meant to be then! I'm sure you're my soulmate!", eijiro announed happily and wrapped his strong arms around my shaking frame.

„Now let's just head back home and relax a bit ok? Maybe cuddle together? Or watch a movie? I heard you say that there was this new movie that you wanted to watch?", he suggested.

„Yeah that would be great.", i looked up from his chest and smiled happily. He smiled back brightly and leaned in. We both shared a passionate kiss and when we parted for air we walked back to find the rest of the group to tell them that we're not going to join them when they fire off our own fireworks and that we'll be heading home.
We walked home in comfortable silence and just looked at the stars above.

„I really love you and i hope you know ok?", eijiro said out of nowhere taking me by surprise.

„I love you more and yes i know.", i said softly intertwining our hands and looked up to the skies.
I guess today wasn't so bad after all...

Happy new year everyone!! I hope you spend some quality time with your loved ones and stay healthy!

Various!characters x phobic!reader oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang