chapter nineteen , fighting for her.

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( 𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 . . . 𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 )

 𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 )

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GEORGE WAS a heartbroken shell of a being.

He loved Rory enough to let her go but he missed her dearly, more and more with each passing second. She ended things two weeks ago, each day falling into a void of loneliness and despair. He had taken a break from streaming, Dream and Sapnap were by his side to coax him through the change. What hurt George the most was the fact that the only person he wanted to talk to was Rory.

But he couldn't bring himself to message her. He would give anything to merely be her friend again. But he knew reaching out would bring this dense awkward feel to their conversations. They couldn't go back to the way things were before George kissed her. They just couldn't.

"I just can't believe she did that," Sapnap muttered, the end of his sentence crackling through George's headphones. He wasn't angry with Rory but genuinely surprised with her actions. Dream felt the same way. While Rory had become friends with Dream and Sapnap, they were fiercely protective of George. And her actions had him crumbling.

"It's fine," George muttered, spinning in his office chair. "Maybe things would be different if we were physically together but clearly, that's not the case."

"Okay, that's bullshit," Dream replied. Sapnap inhaled sharply as George's eyebrows flew up at the abrupt aggression.

"No, I'm serious," Dream argued. "George, you love Rory. What you guys have, it's real. And I get that she's scared and that you want what's best for her but she told you that she loves you, no?"

"She did."

"Then fight for her. You say you love her enough to let her go but that's not what you both want, not really," Dream said firmly. George internalized his words, letting them sink in slowly. God, he wanted to fight for Rory. Of course he did. But she let go, she made it clear that the distance and the relationship was too much for her to handle, along with the guilt dragging along.

"Dream, it's not that simple-"

"No," Sapnap interjected, "It is, he's right. You love Rory, George. And she loves you. So it is that simple. Go see her, state your case."

"Exactly!" Dream said proudly. George exhaled, staring at his dark ceiling. While his argument said otherwise, it really did seem that simple. It wasn't a question of money either, George could fly out to California. He wanted to fly out to California. He wanted to see her.

"And what if it doesn't work?" George asked hesitatingly.

"Then at least you tried to get her back," Dream said nonchalantly. "And then you can move on. But I really think you should give this one more try. It's your relationship as well."

"As much as I've grown to love Rory," Sapnap cut in, "What she did just doesn't sit right with me. You guys were so happy together. This last attempt won't go unnoticed by her. I think it's a good idea."

"Okay," George said firmly.


"Okay. I'm going to go see her," George replied. "You guys are right. I can mope after I know for sure that this won't work."

"That's our simp!" Sapnap cheered. Dream laughed, cheering for George.

All George needed was that last little push.

He was going to fight for her.

instagram !

liked by princeaurelia, georgenotfound and 10, 284 others rorylow: california is nice but it's no brighton

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liked by princeaurelia, georgenotfound and 10, 284 others
rorylow: california is nice but it's no brighton

view all comments . . .

princeaurelia: photo credits hello???
rorylow: yes yes of course you have photo credits lia

rorystan1: wait since when was rory back in cali???
rorystan2: she's been back there for like almost three months-

rorystan3: no wait what about her and george??

sapnapinsta: hey rory :]
rorylow: hey sapnap :]
sapnapinsta: how's sunny california
rorylow: i'm missing the brighton rain :[
sapnapinsta: :[

rorystan4: holy mother of god i'm gay

dreamwastaken: looking good rory😁
rorylow: thanks dream😁

rorystan5: something def happened with george and rory-
rorystan6: maybe but friendly reminder that they're real people!! they don't owe us the details of their personal lives

instagram messages !

hey hey

hi hi :]
jeez it's been a while
since we talked

it really has been
how you been?
george told us about
your grandma, i'm sorry :(

you're sweet
she's doing really well
lately which is awesome
i've been okay

i'm good :)
look i wanted to talk
to you about something


maybe it's not my
place to say but i really
think you should give
george another chance

oh sapnap-

just think about it, k?
you guys gave me hope
about love istg

i'll think about it, i promise
i have to go but take care sap
say hi to the gang for me :]

of course rory :)
hey, just cause you and
george aren't together
doesn't mean that we aren't
friends anymore

thank you sapnap
i'll talk soon :]

later rory :)

PAPER RINGS , georgenotfound Where stories live. Discover now