chapter five , happy park encounters.

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( 𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 . . . 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌 )

RORY STOOD outside of her manager's apartment building, kneeling on the sidewalk as she stroked a young German Sheperd, the dog belonging to her manager, Maddy

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RORY STOOD outside of her manager's apartment building, kneeling on the sidewalk as she stroked a young German Sheperd, the dog belonging to her manager, Maddy. After a week of working at Serendipity, Maddy and Rory formed a friendship over their love for Star Wars. After Rory had confessed that her cat was named after Luke Skywalker, Maddy was overjoyed to share that her dog was named after Leia Organa.

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

"It's walking a dog, piece of cake!"

With Maddy having to run errands all over the city, Rory offered to walk her dog and spend some time with Leia for the day, free of charge.

Rory hooked Leia's cerulean leash to her matching collar, the young pup bursting with excitement. She bounded around Rory's legs as her pink tongue hung out of her mouth while the dog's animated eyes glimmered with enthusiasm. The weather had taken a bright turn, the warm sun peeking through thin wisps of clouds.

"Let me know if she's a hassle," Maddy said tiredly. Rory smiled gently before standing up and brushing off her jeans.

"I'm sure it'll be just fine," Rory chirped. Maddy laughed, "I have to love your optimism. Call me if there's any trouble."

"You got it."

After Maddy waved goodbye, Rory walked Leia in the opposite direction, heading to a park near her apartment building that was an old childhood memory. The warm late August wind blew Rory's golden locks back as her embroidered converse carried her across cement sidewalks and past clipped lawns, Leia dutifully walking beside her. Small children waved to Rory and the puppy, their eyes widening with excitement, some of them asking politely to pet the gentle dog.

As Rory neared the entrance of the park, she sat down on a bench, leaning forward to pet Leia affectionately. She let the sun shine down on her face, the thin clouds disappearing within the blue. Her lashes fluttered closed as she basked in the sunlight and the bliss, enjoy the moment of peace and tranquillity. It wasn't a quiet moment, Rory's ears were filled with the laughter of children, passing cars on the street, people chattering to one another. But she loved it that way, the numerous sounds filling a void of potential silence.

After taking her small break, Rory continued to walk Leia throughout the park. The dog was well behaved as the pair kept walking, not tugging on the leash or trying to pull away from Rory. The young woman watched others around her with a light smile. Couples walked together holding hands, bashful smiles and rosy cheeks adorning their faces. Parents watched their children with pride as they ran and played in the grass.

As Rory watched those around her, she collided with a person walking in the opposite direction.

"I'm so sorry-" Rory began shakily, stopping short when she realized who she had run into. George watched Rory with wide eyes, his eyes glancing from her to Leia, then back to Rory.

They really had to stop meeting like this.

"It's- it's alright," George replied, backing up considerably. Rory's eyes darted down to the sidewalk, unprepared for the situation she was thrown into.

"Really," Rory said softly, "It's my fault."

"It's okay," George said kindly, offering a small smile. Rory returned it and suddenly felt a tug on the leash in her hand, Leia trying to get closer to George. She freed herself of Rory's grip, bounding to the young man, who knelt down with a grin, opening his arms to the pup.

"God, I'm sorry!" Rory cried. "She's usually quite calm. I guess she's taken a liking to you."

"I see," George said, his eyes glittering. His hand was loosely holding the pup's leash as the other scratched her head. "She's a lovely dog."

"She's not mine," Rory admitted. "She belongs to a friend, I'm just taking the obligations of owning a dog off her hands for the day."

George held Leia's face in his hands, beaming at the dog, her eyes shining back with happiness.

"That's sweet," George complimented. He stood up and handed Rory the leash back, their fingers brushing, sending sparks of warmth through both of their hands. Rory ran her free hand through her hair, sighing out.

"Well, I should probably continue our walk," Rory said hurriedly, growing flustered. George furrowed his brow, blurting, "Can I at least catch your name?"

"You still want to know?" Rory queried. George smiled bashfully, his mocha eyes darting down.

"Yes, I do."

"Well, maybe you'll find out, one day," Rory teased lightly, noticing George's mild embarrassment. George's mouth parted, a small scoff escaping him.

"I have a feeling that this has just turned into a game for your amusement," he remarked. Rory shrugged, scratching the back of her neck.

"Maybe. Call it payback, perhaps?"


"For slamming your door in my face," Rory deadpanned, painfully reminding George of their first interaction. She fought a grin as she spoke, her true nature peeking through.

"Can't let it go, can you?" George mumbled, mainly to himself. Rory smiled apologetically, "I usually don't hold grudges, except this time. It's new."

"Lucky me," George said sarcastically. Despite not getting anywhere with her, George had to admit that his neighbour was considerably cheerier and more patient with him than she had been before.

"Give it time," Rory said gently, softening for George's sake. She was generally a kind soul, disregarding any bad luck with a gentle smile. And she was beginning to show that side of herself around him. George pursed his lips as Leia nuzzled the side of Rory's leg.

"Better than a no," George hummed.

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