Start of the Apocalypse

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"Is Josefina coming tonight?" Daniela asked, looking at Caesar and Camila. "She said she was, didn't she?" Then there was a knock on the door and Daniela sprung from her seat and started toward the front door. The knocking had sounded kind of weird, almost like a constant light thumping on the door, but Daniela didn't think anything of it as she continued to head toward the door. She was happy to have her sister back after she was with her friends for about four days.

Daniela put her hand on the doorknob and started to turn the knob of the door. "Maní (Peanut), wait, let me open the door," Caesar called from the kitchen, sitting down his bowl and starting to jog to the door, at that point, the door had been pushed open by something.

What had fallen from the door and on top of Daniela was a grotesque looking dead alive creature, and what you heard in that moment was a high-pitched scream. This awful smell filled the room immediately. It was like everything was slowed down as all of their senses were triggered at once. There was an overwhelming feeling of panic that was struck into the Martínez household.

The thing that was in their house had bite marks and lacerations all down its arms. When Daniela had caught it in front of her she was trying to push it away but the more she fought the more skin that tore from the bone. Leaking a deep red color onto her fingers and onto the floor. She kept trying to push it away but her hands kept slipping on its paper thin skin as she pulled it away as she tried to push it away. As soon as the skin had tore officially Caesar came to the rescue.

Caesar finally moved and lunged at the creature pushing it back and trying to get it knocked down but no matter what nothing was working. He could hear bones break but it did not stop just kept snapping at him. He looked down at the thing that was underneath him. "Juan, cover maní's eyes," He spoke softly and as soon as he saw a hand go over her eyes, he stomped on the thing's head, which was when it stopped moving. He quickly dragged it outside and then came back inside and shut the door.

"We are going right now, we need to leave, this is our last chance, and we should have left yesterday," Caesar said looking towards his familia. He sighed and bit his lip looking towards them. "I love you all and I want us to survive and to do that we need to go. Juanito, go upstairs with Dani, she doesn't leave your sight, and help her pack. Cariño, I want you to go pack up food, I am going to pack our clothes in bags. I can handle that, but you need to pack as much food as you can and get as many of our meats as we have in with ice in a bag or something, just something."

Juan and Daniela were headed up the stairs and almost there as Caesar finished talking to Camila. Juan and Daniela had entered the room whenever Camila had headed towards the hall closet. Camila grabbed a bag and headed straight for the kitchen.

Caesar stood there for a second taking a deep breath before he went upstairs towards Juan's room. He entered the room about a foot into Juan packing clothes. "Juanito, pack your gun," Caesar said to him before heading towards his room. He went into his closet and pulled out two huge duffel bags and started to fill all of his and his wife's clothes in one bag along with some family pictures, for his wife. The second bag was getting filled with all of his three guns with all his ammunition, anything extra they needed like first aid kits, bandages, some medicine, and etc...

Caesar headed downstairs and into the small hall before the front door. "Cariño, I am gonna go outside and start the car. The bags will go in the trunk, we are heading out now, call mamá and papá, tell them we are going to the old campsite," He called to her. He had then grabbed his car keys and went outside to the car.

"Juan, what was that? Olía a mierda (He smelled like shit), why was he trying to bite me, is that what they were talking about on the news? The rabid people who were biting everybody? I didn't get bit, but it was scary, why did it look like that?" Daniela asked, looking at Juan as he packed the last of his things. Juan put his bag on his shoulder and waved for her to follow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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