going home

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hello guy welcome back to part 7 so this is arthur restart with Ciel and ------------ so let get into the inside

when I woke up I saw Sylvie and i white hair girl it was tess how was holding sylvie like a treasure 

tess -hey art how did you get this mana beast it so cute 

art -yeah now can you leave it can't breathe you know 

tess -okay but come down quick grandpa is waiting for you she let go of my little baby sylvie and LN SPOILER I WILL NOT KILL SYLVIE LIKE SHE WILL NOT SACRIFICE HER SELF TO SAVE ARTHUR BECAUSE I WILL MAKING HIM OP UNTIL THE FIGHT FINISHED WITH HIM ln you know how i am talking about

art - hey  there sylvie you alright there

syl -no papa that women is dangreous 

time skip to when he come to virion 

virion -hey brat what is tess talking about like a black mana beast that is cute

i just show him

and then understood what that mana beast is 

virion -is that a dragon

art -yes it is and it a she

virion -brat you will kill me of heart attack you know and you know you have to keep it a sceret dragon havent been spoted for around 600 year age was the last spoting and since then no has seen i dragon for 600 hundred year and ohh yeah because of the tournament

art -what tournament (i know this but this is the first time they held the tournament if i say i know the tournament gramp might be suspious of me)

virion -it a tournament that will represent the three races and all the races are going to xyrus were trying to create peace and this is the first step toward peace

art -ohhh i see and then i saw tess in watery eye why are you crying tess i asked but i knew

tess -your going to leave me

art -it not like i will leave you forever we will meet again i give her a hug

tess -okay arthur leywin promise me this one thing

art - what is it

tess -just promise me

art -okay i promise

art -you will have to give me the mana beast for one day and you have to spend the next three months with me promise and what the mana beast name

virion - ohh i never asked but what the name 

art -oh yeah sorry about that it her name is sylvie

tess - the mana beast is a she

art - yeah

three months timeksip

art -bey everyone tessia suddenly ran to me and then gave me a hug and then no one notice and she gave me a kiss near my lip and then i quickly recompose my self good no one notice i said in my head if gramp did he would definilty tease me

and then i got on the ride and then i saw a fimlair face it was feyfey i didnt meet him this time because i was training to much the only time i came out was the three month i spend with tess

feyfey - so the king finally decided to kick you out huh human

feyfey friends -dont mind him you can call him feyfey just like us

fey -hey dont tell him that he is a human 

timeskip to when he get to xyrus

he went to the helstea door

knock knock

and then i old women opened the door with my little sister behind her

alice-how many time did i tell you not to go to the door when some- she ran to arthur and gave him a hug and then reynold came and hug him form back you know what let timeskip until helstea family arrive and forgot to mention tess awakened sorry about that she awakend at 6 i am pretty sure it was cannon

reynold-hey art what your core level

art-light yellow close to sliver

reynold-...................... you know what i am not even supprised

alice-what art your light yellow your close to sliver 

x-is it like this first when you awakened it red,orange,yellow,sliver,and white correct me if i am wrong because i mostly skip the chapter of arthur tell how which rank or how many level does a core have but i am sure for like this

dark red,solid red,light red correct me if i am wrong

okay then let go have a spar and that the helstea family didnt hear that 

okay to the backyard

reynold-are you ready art even if your a higher stage then me it dosent matter fogot to mention that he is at dark orange it pretty good for someone who hadnt went to school

so bear with you know me i am not good at fighting so yh

let get start

so arthur made a ice sword and then put some aether into it ik it plot amomr 

and he used light to  and then rushed at rey=reynold at blinding speed but some how rey blocked it and threw arthur away and then again art kick the ground and then i big rocks came up art kicked one of it and then used wind and used the rock to clime 6 meter in art and then created a mini tarnado of fire it was blue fire and then he used wind it make it more deadly and when it was about to hit rey arthur stop it using gravity and used gravity and then rey was on his knees

rey-i ...lose

art-yeah i won(i know he could have used aether but it wloudnt have been fair and i am only planning on using aether until arthur goes to train with some one

tabitha-wow just wow

vincent-wow how did you even train him rey he is a deviant in 2 element and to put it on top he he has 3 -

art-it actully 4 i have 4 element

lilia-what your mana core level arthur

art-it light yellow

the helstea family -what!

vincent -not even the student that go to xyrus academy braley have light red or dark red and yet your her without going to school but being at light yellow and near sliver

art-yeah i am gonna break threw to intail sliver in 2 or 3 day


ele-is bwrtder strong mommy

alice-yes your brother is very strong

okay ik not the best i think this is the wrost chapter and i am bad with romance so yeah bear with me and i not gonna use ciel more in the war time because ciel isnt currently needed but he will need him in the future so dont say why you giving ciel so less time i swear that i will give more time in the war arc and the maybe school arc and comment if you read the new chapter 

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