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guy if it not good you can't blame me i try my hardest not to come up with boring idea so yh


Tess - I should go wake him up I don't know how long he is gonna sleep if I don't wake him up I don't wanna use violence but he doesn't wake up let go to his room 

art  - tess  I give up can you stop now do you have to wake me up like this 

Tess - of course, you don't wake up and you should be grateful that I pretty girl come top wake you up

art - all I see is a demon

Tess - did you say something

art - no and why did you come here it like 6 pm 

Tess - are you an idiot it's like 9 in the morning

art - what!! I have to get to gramp this is the last day before I become I beast tamer and meet my parents

Tess - yeah and that why I came to wake you up and are you ........ gonna leave....... me

art - of curse not we will meet again soon okay now get out or do you want me to change in front of you 

Tess - blushing you pervert !!!!! pervert I went out screaming pervert

time skip to Arthur getting to gramps

virion - what did you say to tess art that she is not talking to you and whenever I mention you she says, pervert

art - okay I will tell you * after he explains to him what tess and art said *

virion - hahahahaha

art - can you stop laughing and tell me where tess is I don't want her to be mad at me before I leave

virion - ohhhhh you making I move huh it about time 😉😏😏

art - it not like this gramps while blushing 

virion - your face doesn't say so and she gonna become more beautiful you should make a move before someone takes here away

art - just shut up and tell me where she is okay

virion - she is there

art - hey tess I am sorry about-

she was crying 

art - hey why are you crying is it because of me if it is I am sorry-

Tess - is nothing let get back to training 

art - okay

virion - do you remember the basics of the beast will


virion - I was put my mana inside him but suddenly I felt 2 gazes at me one was a dragon and the other one was more terrifying it was more powerful than a dragon no the dragon was like an ant before a lion that how terrifying the power I felt and then when I put enough mana I explosion happened

art - I was try to control the mana but I still created the explosion with only 10% of the mana that I released i guess i became more powerful then when i was back then and then i saw gramps pale face he was looking like he saw a ghost i went to him and ask him what wrong but he didnt reply so i yelled in his ear hey you there gramps

virion - ahh sorry i was thinking about something but i know you might not answer this question

art - what question is he talking about i have a jest and i will tell him anything because i trust him alot 

virion - okay arthur what is your beast will if you dont want to answer it alright i wont force you but i just wanna ask

art - it a dragon beast will

virion - as i thought 

art - what do you mean as i thought how did you even knew that

virion - listen to me carefully first you will not tell anyone about the beast will you did a good job not telling everyone and second listen to me carefully a felt to gaze when i put my mana i felt a dragon gaze

art - (ahh that explain it a lot by why didn't it happen last time i was cut of by gramp what did me two gaze shouldn't it be only one)

virion - and the second one was like more terrifying it was like the dragon was like an ant before it like a ant vs a lion the lion being the other gaze and the ant begin the dragon beast will = dbw

art - ( i should ask ciel later what the other gaze be like ) and then i saw tess just staring at us

virion - how much did you hear tessia

tess - enough 

virion - tessia promise you wont tell anyone else because it can cause arthur a lot of problem first being blaine using him as a tool or worst he might some how try taking his beast will or the human making him into a weapon

tess - okay i promise that i wont tell anyone else

timeskip night time 

art - hey ciel can can you tell me what the other gaze was about how was he i didn't have him last time before when i didn't went back in time

ciel - master dosent need to worry the other person will give you power once you found out about him and he is talking inside his mind i can't be asked to put those thing

art -and then i heard a crack on the egg that was sylvie i was happy to finally meet you again sylvie 


and then arthur pick him up and then she bite him and then she talk to him like hi mama and then arthur correct him and say i am a male so call me papa  and then he fell a sleep 

inside his mind (dont worry boy i wont harm you your are my reincarnation so i wont harm you you will get my power in due time)note he didnt say this to arthur because arthur has to unlock something to hear him

okay i will give you a hint the sword of destruction and then tell me if your guess is right comment and then if you get it right i am pretty sure your one of the best anime weeb i am a weeb and i am proud of it 

arthur restartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora