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art: how far are we Tess how long is it gonna take

Tess: wait I saw this mark it was when I was little I went out and made a mark on the tree because I trip and I made a mark on it so we're close to the king-- wait that the tree *while running*

art: I don't know why but Tess started running to a random tree and then she put her hand on the tree and then I secret door opened and then we entered

master some people are coming toward you be careful they are powerful

art: okay thank you for the warning and then I bunch of guards were there and then they completely ignored me and they bow down and said welcome back princess of curse I wasn't surprised and then I guards put the spear on my neck

Tess: put the weapon down

sorry princess until the king and queen arrive we can't do it he might be dangerous

and then he was cut off by one voice it was the queen

it was the queen

merial: are you alright tessia are you hurt somewhere

alduin: are you alright tessia

yeah I am not good with family reunions  so let skip until there done with tessia and virion was just looking at me with an amused look

mer/ald: how might you be 

art: how rude of me I bow down and my name is Arthur Lewin and its honor to be in the presence of the king and queen --

and before he could finish his sentence tess spoke

Tess: and he is the one that saved me from the slave traders

first of all, they were surprised that I had that kind of manner for a 4-year-old, and second that I saved the princess of the elf race from slave traders ( and this is because of plot armor and I gave Tess a brain)

alduin: shall we talk about this matter inside

art: of curse 

time skip when they go inside and Arthur tell them how he saved tess but before he could finish it he was cut of by the alduin 

alduin - those disgusting humans i will kill them

art - (did he forgot that a human just saved the princess well it not like a care but i am a human and i dont want my race to be insulted more to precise my family and friends and twin horns)with all due respect i was a human that saved your daughter and my i remind you and slave trading is not only humans doing but elf and dwarf no one differen-

guard - you commoner know you place when your talking to the king 

x is me so x note arthur knew this was gonna happend ao before he came he made a spear

art: man this guard is annoying everyone looked horrified and then I called the ice spear out of the ring and I slashed the guard I didn't kill him I just deflect his attack everyone just looks at me surprised except the princess and virion just gave me a smug look as I was saying I would like to go back and meet my family

aldrin: of the curse, we can at least arrange that for saving our daughter

let have a time skip when Arthur get the beast will heart attack yeah I am just gonna call it that for short bwha remember don't get me wrong he can control aether but I didn't say that he can control the beast will and this is because of the plot armor 

virion: as I thought your a beast tamer but you can't control the beast will because your body is too weak hey kid wanna become my disciple  

art: what if I am weak wouldn't your reputation go down and on top of that I am a human

virion: yeah but no one gonna complain if you're my disciple and if you call yourself weak I don't know what the so-called genius would be called trash kid your a monster you a deviant in ice at the age of four

art: actually i am deviant in all the four-element my weakest is sound 

virion:....... your i monster king or something hahahahahaha

art: he brust out laughing 

virion you have to show me i showed him and then he was in shock he thought i was lieing but when he saw this he was just muttruing impossible kid wanna become my disciple 

art: no i have to meet my parents and tell them that i am save atleast

virion what if you have a way to contact your parents will you become my disciple 

art sure why not if i dont i will die

and everthing goes as cannon and the story end hahahahha

just joking and then  the king and queen apsolize to arthur and then 

master you should start training with virion that the end of raph let go to arthur mind and see what sceret he has inside his mind

so i will be finally free hahaha this boy dosent know how lucky he is to have the wisdom king raphael and that he has something inside him that will change the whole world a waepon that can destory the asura and vitra or kill them with one strike one he awakened the power of the d------------------------------ 

he will be the strongest the begin that will be consider the true god not like the so called asura this boy has been my reincarnation so when he is about to----------------------

he will recive my power which will cause the whole world to bow down to him no the other true god form other world will bow to him i was the one that killed the god thousand off year ago they will learn true fear once i wake up he is my reincarnation once he get my power he can not die he will be immortal but this 

okay guy i wasnt plan on adding his power the power of the -------------------------------- 

because it would make him op IF I decide to finish this i will give him the power of the ------------------- 

ahh sorry you can't hear me IF I decided to finish i will give him the power at the fight with --------


so dont expect him to become op because i wont make him op i will give him the power of someone that and be on par with ------ 

so can't tell you the name if i do it will be easy i will give him the power at the end fight which will make him really op trust he iwll be stronger then g---

arthur restartWhere stories live. Discover now