Chapter 10

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He scrolled through the website, cringing at the information he was absorbing. A watermelon?

"That's disgusting. Why are you reading about labor?"

"Because Plagg. I'm going to be helping Marinette out. Like a birthing coach."

Plagg made a face, and Adrien directed his attention back to the screen. Well, he would talk to her about being a birthing coach. He wasn't quite sure what all the job entailed, which was why he was reading up on it.

"Why? Shouldn't the father be the birth coach?"

Adrien closed his eyes, trying to ignore the sour taste in his mouth. Why? Why was he angry? Why did Marinette even love someone who didn't see her?

"You're jealous." Plagg answered his own question, and Adrien groaned in response.

Even if he was jealous, and he was in no way admitting he was, it didn't matter. Marinette loved that guy. And he was going to make sure the asshole didn't abandon her. Marinette deserved everything. And he would force that guy to be everything she needed. As soon as he figured out who it was. His phone rang, and he noticed Marinette's picture flash onto the screen. He quickly answered, his heart in his throat.

"Is everything okay?"

"Jesus. Yes. Everything is fine. I was calling about the sonnets. Have you picked any yet?"

He frowned at his own stupidity, shaking his head. Of course everything was fine. He saw her just yesterday.

"I've got a couple ideas. Can I come over?"

Why was his heart pounding again? He had gone over to her house numerous times.

"Sure. Just come up to my room."

"Great. I'll see you shortly."

She made a humming sound before hanging up, and he grabbed the book next to the computer. He had the entire collection of sonnets, and truth be told he didn't have any in mind. Maybe she could help with that.

"You're playing with fire Adrien."


He turned to Plagg as he grabbed his jacket from the closet.

"Unless you plan on stepping up and being 'daddy' you should probably back off. You're going to confuse her."

"I'm allowed to have a crush. But, I'm not going to get in the way of her and the kids dad."

"You still haven't come up with an answer for her."

Adrien scowled at the thought, yanking his jacket on.

"Plagg, butt out. I know. I'm still working on that okay? I'll figure it out."

He held open his coat, and Plagg groaned as he dove in. He wasn't going to make a move on Marinette anyway. She needed to focus on the father. He flinched at the twinge he felt in his gut. Yeah, jealousy sucked.

* * * * *

She was curled up in her blankets, staring at him through a small opening. He had to admit, that was adorable.

"You look comfy."

"I look exhausted."

"No you don't. Come on, I brought the book."

He waved it at her, but she made no move to take it. He sighed, leaning in front of her to try to pull the blanket off of her.

"I'm not wearing a bra." She blurted, and he quickly pulled back.

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