Chapter 4

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"So... it's my fault?"

No. No, it was hers. All of this, was her fault. If she hadn't have done it under Ladybug's identity, this wouldn't be a problem. She could talk to him and they could figure out what to do. But, it never would have happened without the mask. She knew that. This moment was proof enough.

"No. It's mine. We should get back. It's going to get dark soon."

He shook his head, not getting up. It was freezing. She just wanted to go home and pretend this never happened.

"Marinette... I'm sorry. I didn't...I didn't mean to."

She smiled, holding her hand out to him. None of that mattered now anyway. It would later, when she couldn't hide it. But for now, she just wanted Adrien to notice Marinette.

"Come on. I'm not rushing you for an answer. And I'm freezing."

"No. I don't understand why I can't do this."

"Shooting for the moon makes you miss all the stars." She murmered, grabbing his wrist and pulling him to his feet.

She released his wrist, starting to take a step back when he grabbed her hand.


His touch still turned her to mush. After everything. He was the father of her baby. But how could she tell him? He didn't see her as anything more than a friend. Barely even that.

"I didn't mean anything by it." She lied, trying to focus on the snowflakes falling between them, instead of his warm hand on her skin.

"Yes you did. Please. I want to understand this. I want to fix it."

"Come up with an answer for me, and I'll have one for you."

She pulled her hand away, sticking it into her coat pocket. He sighed, and she nodded towards the bakery. He could follow, or he could sit out here and freeze to death. She started walking back, and could hear the sound of his shoes crunching in the snow behind her. Why was she doing this? What was the point? She knew Adrien didn't like her. He had sex with Ladybug. Not her. She closed her eyes, following the path to the bakery was easy.


She turned, he was staring at her. Those green eyes always saw through her. But this time his gaze felt different. It raked over her much in the way he had looked at Ladybug. But there was something missing. The two looks weren't the same, and it made her heart ache. Why couldn't he look at her like he had that night?

"I'm going to do whatever it takes to be your friend again. I promise."

She smiled softly, turning back to the bakery. She didn't want that. She wanted him to want her, the same way he wanted Ladybug. Her hand brushed against her stomach, her heart aching again. What if he couldn't? What if he never could? What then?

* * * * *

She sat on the eiffle tower platform, shivering. This suit wasn't one for retaining warmth very well. He was running late tonight. Maybe he didn't know she was coming? She held her hand out, catching snowflakes as they fell. The melted against her glove, and she shook her head to dislodge any from her hair.

"Evening Milady."

She glanced up at him, smiling softly.

"Evening kitty."

"You seem better."

She wasn't. But she wasn't puking at the moment, so that was probably what he was talking about.

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