Colored Eyes

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Welcome back and here's chapter 2! Sorry for the delay. I am so grateful that I have a good response to this story, even though it's not much. In this chapter you will get to know more about Baby Meta and Kirby and not just what the chapter is about as I mentioned below.

I want to apologize first that I made Kirby a bit sad here. It's just temporary sadness. No, depressing here and there. Tbh, I had no idea what happened to this chapter. Is it because I'm having a bit of a writer-block or because I don't have a solid idea how this chapter is going to be. But I hope it is still enjoyable for you guys.

So, with that, let's get to it!


PS: There will be NO new extra characters. It will be the same as before.

CHAPTER 2, Colored Eyes

The feeling of astonishment was still lingering for our star warrior. Encountering a baby puffball in the same situation as him before, what are the odds in life? Many questions came into mind about the little fella. Where did he come from? Does he have a family? Why was he in the starship? Is it a coincidence that Baby Meta crashed in Dreamland without a purpose?

However, does it even matter to him to have these kinds of questions? Back then when he was a toddler, he never asked about his origin or maybe he never thought about it before. He actually thought that he was just destined to be on this beautiful planet. So why did he eagerly want to know about the little one's origin? Perhaps, after all the years Kirby had spent as a star warrior, he worried if the child was going to deal with the same experience as him.

"So, you don't know anything about Baby Meta?" asked Kirby to Sir Arthur through a video call. It was morning and the first thing he could think of to actually know something about the baby was to call the leader of the GSA. Kirby was standing in front of a holo screen which was transmitted from a phone device, disappointed with the answer from the leader.

"Unfortunately yes, Kirby. I had no information about the white starship that was carrying the child."

"How about, is there a war happening these days? It could be that his family wanted him to escape from a war that was happening on their planet," asked Kirby again.

"I'm afraid not, Kirby. There was no distress signal reported to the GSA headquarters. There could be another reason."

Kirby let out a sigh, feeling dejected by the answers he received. He didn't get a single info about the baby. A giggling noise was heard from his right and as he turned, he saw Meta standing on the bed, ready to jump. Feeling panicked, Kirby quickly threw himself to the floor and grabbed the baby before he could fall flat.

Enduring the pain, Kirby looked at Meta on his hands and scolded. Well, sort of scolding. "Meta! Don't do that! That's dangerous! You could get hurt. You're still a baby. Your wings are still too small for you to use." His voice was too soft to be regarded as a scolding since he never scolded people before or rarely got mad.

Sir Arthur that was still on the line, had a sneer expression on his face which noticed Kirby.

"Is there something funny, Sir?" confused Kirby as he walked back to the screen with Meta in his hands. The smile was still plastered on the leader's face and said, "I figured you're going to spoil the young one with that attitude, Kirby."

Kirby was baffled. "What? But he was about to-"

"You have a soft heart, Kirby. You're self filled with love and always look at the good side of a person. Even an enemy you always find good in them," interrupted Sir Arthur.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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