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Disclaimer: One of the scenes here is inspired by the ending of the TV drama series "Startling by Each Step". And I do not own The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. This is purely a work of Fanfiction.




It had been weeks since she had woken up from her coma. She was told that the car accident had left her unconscious for several months. It baffled Faith as to how she could have spent thousands of years in the TVD world and have only 7 months pass in the real world. Her concept of time had become skewed with the time travel.

Since coming out of the coma, her family had been acting carefully around her. They knew something had changed but she would not tell them anything. After leaving the hospital, she had spent most of her time at home, locked up in her room. In an attempt to get her outside, they had purchased her passes to a Vampire Diaries/Originals fan meet.

So here she was in New Jersey surrounded by fans of both series. One after the other, actors and actresses of the show came up and answered questions from the audience.

After a while, she left the room. She couldn't stand it anymore. She couldn't stand to be in the same room. They were so happy, so different. They were making jokes and laughing and had different expressions on their faces. She couldn't be part of it. So she got up and left the room.

She needed to leave the crowd. She needed time alone with her thoughts. She slipped into the emergency stairwell and went down to the basement. She walked and walked until she could no longer hear any sounds from the crowd. She wandered the corridors for a while until she realized she was now lost.

Suddenly, she stopped. There was a man standing before her. The sight of him took her breath away. Elijah. She muttered under her breath. Her eyes not leaving the figure in front of her. He glanced up and saw her and gave her a smile. The same handsome smile with the same dreamy eyes.

How do two people look so much alike but are so different?

He looked exactly like him, but he wasn't "him". He wasn't her Elijah.


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