end of dear diary.

Start from the beginning

and turns out it was. val slams the door in his face as he tries to apologize, leaving him to go home and sulk.

ranboo knew that val and ranboo's last chances were coming up soon considering he was leaving for the UK in a few days. he has anxiety leading up to that.

and now this leads up to the last chapter which i actually did end up writing so insert last chapter of dear diary here:

Dear Diary,

decisions are made, people get hurt, but it's good to always remember...

"Do you think she'll come?" He asked as he sat on his doorstep, desperation in his heart.

His mom looked down on him with a devastating smile, "I don't know, honey. But we have to leave soon."

He huffed as his eyes glued themselves to the street, hoping to see a short brunette show up and run into his arms.

"Just five more minutes." He muttered. All he wanted was for her to show up. Just one last time.

His mom gave a slight nod, understanding how much this meant to him.


"Val, you have to go see him."

"But how do you know that?" She asked as she stared at the ceiling with her brain muffled of all thoughts, "Ava, how do you know that I'm meant to go see him?"

"Because I just know." Ava replied, obvious stress in her voice, "He's leaving for months. I know you love him. And I know how much you'll regret it if you don't go say goodbye."

"But he hurt me."

"And you'll be hurting yourself more if you don't go say goodbye." Ava shouted with frustration.

Val bit her lip as her mind scattered around her bedroom, wishing to know what it wanted.

"I'll even drive you there. But we have to hurry, he should be leaving any minute."

Silence erupted again while Val's heartbeat engulfed her ears, making it impossible to focus. All she could hear was thumping. Nothing of which would help her.

"I don't know, Ava."


"Noah, we have to go."

Ranboo looked up at his mom with desperation. "Please, just five more minutes." He pleaded. His hope was slowly fading but he was grasping on for dear life.

"I'm sorry but you're gonna miss your flight if we wait any longer."

She really felt sympathy for her son. But it was sadly, too late.

Or maybe it wasn't.

Ranboo's head shot over to the street as a car pulled in front of his house. It was Ava's car. But was Val with her?

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