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On the flat dessert plains of Mandalore outside the city of Sundari, a major war was taking place. In the skies and in orbit multiple Mandalorian cruisers and star fighters were in battle with unknown ships with a marking on them. The sky was filled with explosions and turret fire. Clans Rook and Elder took to the skies and destroyed any enemy aircraft.

On the ground under other Clans were defending the city from the unknown forces that was attacking them. Clan Bridger was on the front lines taking on the heavy hitters. Tanks were blowing up and fighters were falling from the skies exploding on impact. Mechs were being taking out by giant enemy vehicles that was advancing forward through the battlefield. Rockets were flying in the air making impact on anything they hit.

Coming through the smoke was the leader of Clan Bridger, Ezra Bridger walking through the battlefield with his helmet on. A enemy soldier flew down with a jetpack next to Ezra and tried to attack him but Alex punched the soldier down to the ground. As Ezra continued to walk forward, next to him Cayde kneed a soldier in the gut and shot him in the head. Two soldiers were in front of Ezra only to get knocked down by Anna and Madison. Emily then landed next to Ezra and fired a rocket at a fighter making it crash a few yards away exploding. Ezra raised his hand up to shield himself from the explosion as he got to his destination. He saw Sabine taking cover behind a destroyed tank. Once she saw Ezra she took cover again as Ezra kneeled down to her. They looked at each as they held hands leaned their foreheads on each other. Ezra stood up as Emily, Alex, Anna, Cayde and Madison stood next to him. Ezra grabbed both his lightsabers as he looked down at his opponent.

The unknown leader of the enemy army used his red lightsaber to cut down a Mandalorian Soldier. He looked up and saw Ezra with his lightsabers ready. He looked to his left and right and saw his allies who also had red lightsabers and raised his lightsaber in the air. Multiple enemy soldiers and tanks were approaching the area ready to strike.

Ezra looked to Emily and she nodded. Emily grabbed a beacon and threw it at the enemies and a red light came from it. The sky turned red and a red beam came out of the sky and once it hit the ground everything went dark........

Clan Bridger 2

Coming soon 2022

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