They're Gone

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Based off S1 E10 and S2 E1 when they believe that John B and Sarah are dead still.

The past few days have been hard. JJ's been getting panic attacks, Pope's been immersed in his books, and Kiara is always high. You on the other hand, you were getting either high or drunk constantly to forget about the pain, to the point where you couldn't feel your body. You got really drunk one day and let JJ do a stick and poke that said p4l, and you ended up laying on his chest falling asleep. You missed John B, you missed Sarah. You wanted nothing more than to sit and laugh with them around a fire. You missed John B's jokes, his snarky comments towards you, you missed his laugh. And Sarah, god. You missed her hugs, talking shit with her, saving mice from the birds with her. Hell, you hated how clingy they were with each other but at the same time it was the cutest thing you've ever seen and you missed watching their love story.

JJ was screaming at the top of his lungs, attempting to beat the shit out of the police. Kiara and Pope were just sobbing into their families arms. You were hugging your parents, until you looked over to JJ, who was wishing he had someone there, anyone to hug him. John B and Sarah were dead. Your mother looked over and saw the poor boy, gesturing him to come and join your families embrace. You held him as tight as you possibly could, crying into him, hoping it would get better. He gripped onto you like his life depended on it, and you told him you'd be there for him no matter where you were or what time it was.
Flashback over

You, JJ, Pope and Kiara were standing around a tree in John B's yard, gazing at the freshly burnt writing in the tree. 2003-2020 John B Routledge P4L. You all took drinks and cheered to John B and Sarah. Kiara put a memoir box down in the ground, and Pope and JJ began putting dirt over it. Once they were done, you placed a white flower on top, tears threatening to spill out of your sunken-in eyes. You pulled everyone into a group hug, making sure to hold on to JJ the tightest. He was holding onto his chest, which just he recently started doing. Once you all pulled away you leaned onto JJ's side, placing your hand over his chest and squeezing his hand that was covering it. "Well, I gotta go to work." He said hugging you. "Okay J." You whispered wrapping your arms around his neck.

You watched him speed off on his dirt bike, and you couldn't help but wish he stayed here with you. You knew it was wrong to like him more than you already did, especially with everything going on, but he made you feel so safe and loved more recently. When you found out the news in the tent that night, he came home with you and let you cry in his arms all night, occasionally asking to be held and comforted. The two of you fell asleep in each other's arms, and when you woke up in the morning you felt the smallest bit of happiness peeking through, regardless of the night before. Your best friend, JJ Maybank, falling asleep entangled in your arms. "Y/N you there?" Pope said while snapping his fingers in front of your face. "Yeah sorry. I was just thinking." "Yeah thinking of JJ." Joked Kiara.

"I was not, I was thinking of.. smoking weed. Y'all want some?" You asked pulling a joint out of your pocket. The three of you sat around the tree smoking the joint, reminiscing the times you had with John B and Sarah. About 2 and a half hours later, JJ came back throwing his bike to the ground as he got off of it. "JJ what's wrong?" You asked, but he ignored you and walked into the Chateau slamming the door. "I'm gonna- yeah." you said pointing towards the house and getting up. Once you got on the porch you heard things being thrown around and you immediately went towards the sound. JJ was throwing all sorts of shit around the house and kicking anything that was near him. "JJ stop." You half yelled. He looked at you and saw the worried look in your eyes and came over to you beginning to cry.

"It's the fucking Kooks. Everyone was talking about how John B deserved it and he's going to hell, and I just snapped. I got into it with Kelce and got fired Y/N, I fucked up again." "Shh it's okay. The Kooks deserved that anyways. You're not fucking anything up JJ. Maybe you can find a job at a mechanic shop? You'd like that a lot." You said giving him a small smile. "I just miss them so much Y/N, I miss John B, he's like a brother to me." "I know he is J, and this will hopefully get easier, but I'm here through all of this okay? Anything you need at any time, I'm here." You said while rubbing his back. He stayed quiet and you sat down on the floor, pulling him onto you so his head was on your lap. You ran your fingers through his hair, making sure to massage his temples.

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