New Years Eve

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You and the Pogues throw a party and you and JJ are the only ones without a New Years kiss.

"Y/N hurry up! They're waiting for us!" yelled JJ as you walked out of the package store. "I'm coming J hold on." He took the rest of the beer from you and went to open one and you slapped his hand away. "Hey! No drinking until we get there, you're driving us back. And you promised we would get as fucked up as we could together AT THE PARTY. Not before it dumbass." The party hasn't started yet because we haven't arrived." JJ replied rolling his eyes. "Well then let's go JJ. I wanna get drunk so I don't notice the couples making out at midnight." You really wanted to kiss him at midnight. Hell, you wanted to kiss him regardless of the fact that it was New Years Eve. The Pogues new years was usually only friends, but now the group has turned to the two couples; John B and Sarah, and Kiara and Pope, with you and JJ being the only single ones. Although JJ hooks up with alot of girls so he doesn't seem to mind being single.

"So.. You invite a girl over tonight to kiss at midnight?" you asked him looking down. "Nah, I don't need to start my new year with some random girl. Besides, we made it very clear this was a Pogue only party." "Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry." "Anyone you wanted to kiss at midnight Y/N?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows. "No not really. The boys on this island are repulsive." "You think I'm repulsive Y/N?" he asked, putting his hand on his chest. "Yes, so repulsive I can't even believe I'm seen anywhere with you on a daily basis. How embarrassing." you looked over at him but couldn't keep a straight face. "I'm sorry J, you know I'm kidding right? I love hanging out with you." you punched his shoulder lightly. "I know. You love me too much to think I'm repulsive cupcake." You couldn't help but blush a little at the nickname. JJ never failed to make you feel butterflies in your body every time you saw him.

You arrived at the Chateau and JJ walked in with some beers saying "And the party has officially begun." You smiled to yourself, bringing the rest of the beer in. "Y/N, why are you smiling so much?" asked Sarah walking onto the porch to you. "Oh I'm just excited to get drunk and hangout with everyone. It's been a stressful year." Kiara looked at you, and came up to you guys and said quietly "You sure it's not because you just were alone with JJ and you're coming up with a plan to kiss him at midnight?" "What? No.. I would never do that. Shut up Kie." Sarah and Kiara giggled and helped you carry the beer to the table. "I think you should do it. He obviously likes you." whispered Sarah. "Y/N it's so obvious that you guys like eachother. You're both just too dumb to realize it." said Kiara. Maybe she was right, she has known you longer, and for Sarah to think it for not knowing you guys for long, it convinced you a little more.

"Yeah well maybe drunk me will confess my feelings for him. Now be quiet before JJ hears." "Before JJ hears what?" John B asked, wrapping his arm around Sarah. "Nothing John B, shut your mouth." "Okay okay. So defensive." he said throwing his hands in the air. You walked over to Pope "You ready to let go for the night?" "No I'm gonna make sure you all don't get too wasted, but I'll probably share a joint with you guys. Assuming you and JJ don't fiend the whole thing." "Hey bro, you know us, always wanting to get high. Right Y/N?" he said while coming up behind you, ironically with some joints. "Gimme that." you said trying to grab one. "Not so fast Y/N. Everyone gather round so we can begin our night of fun." John B and Sarah walked over and you all sat in a "circle", passing the joint around. "To the end of a shit year?" you said putting the joint in the air.

Once the joint was finished you began drinking and laughing with your friends. It was about 10:30pm and you were on your third or fourth drink, and decided you needed some music. "Guys I gotta go get my speaker out of the Twinkie, we need some bops up in here." you slurred. "Uh, I'm gonna go get it Y/N. Where is it the front seat?" asked JJ. "No I don't know where it is, I'll go with you." you said getting up and walking out of the house before anyone could stop you. JJ followed you closely and once you got to the van you looked at him "Wanna smoke some more?" "Y/N, you're already a little fucked up maybe wait." "JJ the 6 of us passed a blunt around and I drank a little I'm fine. Come on you promised we could get fucked up." you whined. "Well.. Okay, but if I think it's too much you're going to lay down and stop for the night." he warned. "Fine. Can we smoke it out here together though? You said it yourself we love getting high together. I don't want to share."

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