Stormy Night

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There was a big storm coming to OBX, and you definitely aren't one for storms. You hate thunder, lightning, and the sound of rain stresses you out. The thing you hate most though- the dark. When the power goes out, you hide under your blankets and blast music through your headphones. Lately though, with JJ around, he keeps you safe and holds you. You think it's stupid that you're scared of something like the dark, but he thinks it's cute. He said it's an excuse to hold you even tighter, and to get to spend the night or a few days over. Your parents like JJ, but they aren't too fond about sleepovers. But, they make an exception for storms, and when the power goes out they don't even think about saying no to him staying over. The last time that happened you absolutely lost your shit and he got caught sneaking in to calm you down.

You were in town with your mom getting some food, water, and batteries. Your dad was out in the yard trying to figure out the generator, and moving your car to the garage because it leaks when it rains. "Hey mom, I'm going to grab a few more snacks for JJ, okay?" She nodded and you headed off to the chip isle. You grabbed barbeque chips for JJ, a bag of (your favorite) chips for yourself, and then went and grabbed some sour patch kids for him as well. While you were at it, you grabbed chocolate chip cookies and an assorted bag of the mini chocolates. You were so excited to spend a few days with him, although you could live without the power going out. You checked out and met your mom in the car and went home and unpacked. You decided you should probably organize and clean your room before he came over, so you cleaned it up and put all the snacks into a bin on your desk.

Since the storm wasn't due until tomorrow night, you decided to hangout with JJ and the rest of the gang at the Chateau. You grabbed your charger and flashlight (just in case) and told your parents you were leaving. You drove over and sure enough, John B and JJ were in the yard trying to tidy things up. "Hi guys!" You walked over and kissed your boyfriend. "Hi babe. Are you ready for the storm?" You rolled your eyes. "Of course not. Also John B, where are you going to go? I assume Sarah's?" (Let's assume this is before Ward actually decides to go nuts on John B). "Yeah, once I get the house ready, I'm gonna drive over there." "Okay, well I'm going to go clean up the house and pack a bag for JJ, because I doubt he did." You side-eyed him and he said "Hey! You know I do things last minute, I was going to pack after this." "Uh huh. Totally babe." You replied.

Once everything was finished, you guys decided to go say bye to Kie and Pope, who were helping their parents. Once you helped them, and said you'd see them once the storm cleared, you all went your ways. You and JJ got into your car. "So J, are you ready to have a sleepover in my humble abode?" You joked. "Yes I am babygirl." He kissed you for a moment and then put his hand on your thigh. You drove home with him, and he walked in and said "Hi Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N), anything I can do to help?" "No we actually finished shortly after Y/N left." Replied your mother, bringing JJ into a hug. You went upstairs and your dad yelled up "Keep the door at least half-open Y/N!" JJ did a quiet "Yes sir." and you yelled down "Okay dad, all the way closed!" You heard him walking up, and you said "Just kidding." As he watched you shut it half way.

"I cleaned up the room for us, you can put your stuff over there. Oo and look what I got you babe; your favorites." You said while picking up the BBQ chips and the sour patch kids. "You know me so well babygirl." He smiled. Then you laid down with your arms out for him to crawl into. You played with his hair for a bit, and kept kissing his forehead. "I love you so much Y/N, I'm so happy I get to stay over to protect you." "I love you too JJ. We should probably shower before the storm hits though. Why don't you go shower first okay?" "Awe we can't shower together? What about saving water?" You punched him lightly "You know my parents would kill us." He gave you a sad look and went to shower. You plugged everything in and put Netflix on until he was done. You took the opportunity to put your leave-in conditioner in his hair, and put a face mask on him. "Leave that on until I'm out of the shower, it won't be long. Then I'm attacking the pores on your nose." He pouted because he hated when you did that, but he lets you do it anyways.

You grabbed your pjs and your phone and put on your playlist. Halfway through your shower, when you were rinsing off the conditioner, the power flickered. "What the fuck. It wasn't supposed to start until tomorrow." You started panicking trying to get it out as fast as you could. You quickly rubbed soap all over your body and rinsed it off. As you were getting out of the shower, the power went out. Your breathing started quickening, and you grabbed the towel and hid under it on the floor. "J, J, please." He came running in with his flashlight. He picked you up off the ground and wrapped the towel around you. "Shh, it's okay, come on." He grabbed your phone and pajamas and walked you over to your room. "Where's your flashlight babe? We can light some candles, and put your lantern on." You shivered. You wanted to dry up but you were terrified. "It's, it's on my dresser." He threw your phone on the bed and walked you over to your dresser. "Here take the flashlight and shine it so I can turn the lantern on and light the candles baby." After that, he grabbed the snack bin and you walked over to the bed together.

"You need to dry up Y/N, come on I'll help." He dried you up and you put your clothes on and wrapped the towel around your head for a moment. "Babyy. Do you want me to put your leave-in on your hair for you?" You smiled. "Okay J. Here, I'll show you how." Once that was done, he brushed your hair, something he loves doing regardless. He says you deserve to be treated like royalty, and that includes having your hair brushed apparently. Your parents came up and knocked on the door. "Y'all naked or can we come in?" Your dad laughed. You both blushed. "We are in fact bare-ass right now sir." joked JJ. You guys bursted out laughing "You can come in dad." "I was bringing you your water bottles, you forgot them earlier." Your mom walked in behind him and shined a light on you guys and took a picture. "You guys are so cute, I'll send it to you if we still have service. Goodnight guys. I love you." "I love you too mom." Your parents left the room, shutting the door fully this time. You hated the door open with the dark hallway.

JJ pulled the snack bin over with his foot and opened the case of water and grabbed a few. You went on your phone to see if there was service. You had a bar, so you texted the groupchat "Powers out, this might not send right away, but goodnight y'all. Hopefully your power stays on." You put the phone down and cuddled into JJ's chest, listening to his heartbeat and breathing in his scent. He rubbed your temples and played with your hair. A flash of lightning and a crash of thunder shook the house. You jumped and JJ held onto you tighter. "I'm right here, it's okay. Listen to my voice my love." He started humming the tune of (what you think your song would be.) You listened intently and began singing with him. Eventually you fell asleep. The next morning you woke up in JJ's arms still. You just laid there and admired him. Eventually, you really had to pee, so you tried to sneak out of the room but he woke up and pulled you in closer to him. "J I have to pee. We can cuddle again in a few minutes." You whined. He pouted and let you go.

"Good morning!" You yelled downstairs. "Good morning hun!" Your parents replied. After you went to the bathroom, you went downstairs and asked your dad when the generator should be ready, and what the damage outside was. There was trees down everywhere, and power lines. "That'll be fun to clean up" you thought to yourself. "The company should be here in 2 or 3 days, but I'll try to set the generator up." Said your dad. You went back upstairs and cuddled with JJ again "Good morning sleepy head. We can cuddle now." He mumbled something and spooned you. After about 30 minutes, JJ fully woke up. "When's the power coming back on?" "Well, dad should be done with the generator by now, and the power company is 2-3 days." You went downstairs to your dad grumbling on the couch. "I forgot the fucking gas of all things. The gas for the stupid fucking generator." He said. You blinked at him. "No gas, no generator, no lights for the dark for the next 2 nights?!" Oh boy. Well, at least JJ gets to stay.

You went back upstairs for the rest of the day and smoked your dab pen and attempted playing cards against humanity. You couldn't stop laughing and you both pigged out on the candy. Once it got closer to dark, you decided to stop so you wouldn't be high for it. You changed into a new pair of pjs, that just happened to be one of JJs shirts you packed for yourself. He held you in his arms again, and gave you a little back massage. "At least I get to stay longer and be with you Y/N. I know you don't like the dark, but you get more cuddles." You smiled and looked at him. "I know JJ, I just wish it wasn't so scary. But I am glad I get all the cuddles for the next 3 days. But we should sleep. (the pen makes you sleepy after using it all day usually)" "Okay babygirl. Goodnight I love you." "I love you too J. Thank you for protecting me."

JJ Maybank x Fem Reader One ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя