⓿➏: The Parties' On

Start from the beginning

"I've never had pudding from a crystal bowl before," Rory said.

"Put a post-it note on it to claim it," Delilah told her.

"I agree with Lila, put a post-it on it when you're done," Emily said.

After dessert and get a pen and post-it notes, Delilah headed into the kitchen, to claim the cook-books and other baking utensils before heading back into the living room

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After dessert and get a pen and post-it notes, Delilah headed into the kitchen, to claim the cook-books and other baking utensils before heading back into the living room. She looked at a few paintings of some generic landscapes, before deciding that Samantha would actually like them. She stuck some post-it notes on the frames. She also looked at a bookcase that she decided Matt would like to have it. She put a post-it note on it.

"Really, Lila?" Rory said annoyed. "You had to get it before I did?"

"You snooze you lose sis," Delilah said. She looked at an ornate side table that she kind of liked and Rory saw it to. Rory ran over and put a post-it note on it. "Hey!"

"You snooze you lose sis," Rory said.

"Well played, Rory, well played," Delilah told her.

"So what do we think of this?" asked Lorelai, motioning to the amphora vase

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"So what do we think of this?" asked Lorelai, motioning to the amphora vase.

"It's ugly and I wouldn't even hit someone over the head with it if they broke into our home," Delilah said.

"Where would we even put it?" Rory asked.

"I don't know," replied Lorelai. She joked, "The Emily and Richard Gilmore Psycho Museum?

"They said to put a post-it on anything that we want," Delilah pointed out. "I think we can agree that we don't want that."

"So, how's it going?" asked Emily coming into the living room.

"Great, just getting ready for the big day," Lorelai told her.

"Very nice," Emily replied.

"So, um, it's getting late, Mom," Lorelai said. "Unless you've got some funeral plots for us to decorate we should really be going."

"Any special requests for dinner next week?" asked Emily.

Delilah thought about it. "Maybe, my two friends could come? They enjoy spaghetti and meatballs and homemade pizza."

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