"Yeah, I am,"

"You will get over it at some point in life. It's the things us kids from royal backgrounds go through," He said. I open my mouth to say something, but a familiar voice beats me to it.

"How can you tell her that she will get over it? Her parents passed in front of her. That won't ever leave, but after a while, you get used to the pain," I looked over the entrance and it's the shirtless, grey-eyed man.

He was leaned up against the wall. I examined his new features before looking him in the eyes. His hair was whiter than snow and longer. He had grown taller since the last time I saw him. His physique was more muscular. Everything about him appeared to be angelic. I wasn't aware I was staring at him until I heard his voice again.

"Once you're done checking me out, your royal highness, I'd like to talk with you privately," He said.

"I wasn't checking you out for sure. Boys you may exit," I said to my advisor and Alaric. My advisor exited the court, but Alaric remained still. "Ric, out," I warned him.

"No, whatever he has to say. He can say in front of me," Alaric stated. The grey-eyed man pulled away from the wall and stood up straight. He walked over to us.

"It's none of your concern, prick. It's business between two Kingdoms. You have our own to handle, why are you here," The grey-eyed man said to Alaric.

"It's not your business," Alaric argued. "Exactly, my alliance with Reya is none of your business,"

If I don't stop this, they will argue till dawn. "Both of you enough. Alaric, he is correct. It's not your concern. Just go. We can talk later," I told Alaric. He stood up groaning and walked out.

"How come you let him sit on the king's throne?" The grey-eyed man asked me. I shrugged. "I've told him many times not to sit there," I answered him.

"Anyways, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, shifting the topic.

"It's come to my attention you turn of age in two days, meaning men all around the realm will be wanting to marry you. Have you met the man your father wanted?" He said and I shook my head.

"I have yet to meet him. Why do you ask?" I responded.

"Nothing just interested. Do you plan on agreeing to marry him?" He asked.

"It's my father's last dying wish and honoring his wishes means everything to me but I simply cannot go along with marrying someone that I don't know. This man is a complete stranger to m—,"

"No, he isn't. You've met him," He cut me off without hesitation. What is it with this man and cutting people off? "So, what do you propose I do?" I asked him.

"I suggest you let every king from the neighboring kingdoms propose to you until the king your father intended for you to marry proposes and when he does, I suggest you accept. For your own good and the good of the kingdom." He suggests it like it was obvious all along.

"So, make him my last option? I'm afraid I don't know what to look for in a man. I don't have many lady friends to help me. All I have is Alaric. Mayb—,"

"Yeah, no. I will help you. Your father's dying wish was for me to be here on your birthday and wedding date. So I will be here for a long time," he interrupted me again.

"Can you please stop interrupting me?" I spat from between gritted teeth. He rolled his eyes at me but continued to stare at me.

"You have yet to give me an answer." He reminded me, slightly calming the overwhelming anger I was feeling just a second ago and bringing me back to the conversation we were having.

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