⓿➌: Smite Me, O' Mighty Smiter

Start from the beginning

"So, where did the name Lorelai come from?" asked Delilah.

"Lorelai the first is my mother," said Richard. "She's an extremely accomplished equestrian, a distinguished patron of the arts, and she's also world-famous for her masquerade balls. She's quite a woman, my mother."

"She does sound rather remarkable," said Delilah admitted.

"Yes she is," said Emily. "Mira, come cut the cake please."

"Yes, and why don't you bring Sarah out here with you?" called Lorelai.

"So, Lorelai, how are things at that charming little inn of yours?" asked Emily.

"Mm – they're still charming and little. We're just crossing our fingers it doesn't assert itself and become rude and large," said Lorelai.

"There's a huge wedding that's going to be there," said Delilah.

"Really?" asked Emily.

"Yeah, actually there are people coming from all over the country," replied Lorelai.

"Well, isn't that nice?" replied Emily.

"Yeah," said Lorelai with a proud smile.

It was actually a double wedding with identical twin girls. The brides' father was some big shot on Wall Street, and instead of picking some big fancy inn to host it, they decided on Independence Inn in Stars Hollow, Connecticut.

For a minute, it looked like they smiled at each other slightly, before Emily turned her attention the Golden Child, and asked, "Rory, how's Chilton?"

Nope. Not going there. Delilah told herself. She was proud of Rory. She was. She was envious of how much attention Rory got.

"Okay, done with me now," replied Lorelai.

"I'm sorry, was there more to the story?" asked Emily.

"Rory has to join a sport," said Delilah.

"It's a requirement," added Rory.

"Physical fitness is as important as intellectual fitness. So say Plato and so say I," replied Richard.

"What sport are you going to pick?" asked Emily.

"I'm not sure. I'm not really the athletic type," said Rory.

"Mom told her that she should go out for the debate team," Delilah said.

"I told her that it's not a sport," said Rory.

"It is the way the Gilmores play," Lorelai said.

"So, what are you choices?" asked Emily.

Rory said, "God, there's like a thousand of them: basketball, lacrosse, swimming, track, golf—"

"Golf?" questioned Emily.

"Yeah," replied Rory.

"Well, your grandfather is a golf player," said Emily.

"Oops," replied Lorelai.

"He plays every week at the club. He could teach you to play like a pro," Emily said.

Another reason for me to get shoved to the side, Delilah thought bitterly.

Richard started, "Emily..."

"Why, he could take you there on Sunday. It's perfect," said Emily.

"It's not something you can teach in an afternoon," said Richard.

"That's okay," said Lorelai. "Rory can pick something else."

"Why should she pick something else? She needs to learn a sport and Richard can teach her a sport," said Emily. To Rory, she continued, "You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of potential."

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