Long time no see...

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Turns out, I didn't need a plan, because as soon as gym ended, Emmett found me and canceled, saying "it's not time yet" or some shit like that. Whatever the hell that means.

It had snowed Sunday night, so I had to go slower on Wicked so as to not slide and crash on the icy roads Monday. I had just pulled into the parking lot when I noticed Bella get out of her truck. She then turned to me, and we locked eyes, and everything inside me went haywire. I felt a crushing need to protect those chocolate brown eyes with every fiber of my being, like I would take a bullet for them, comfort them when they shed tears, and just be there for them. Like I had just made an irrevocable bond.

The owner gave me a confused wave as I finally came to my senses, and I gave her the same gesture before she looked down at her tires.

Then, I heard a screeching sound. My head shot towards the source, and I found a van about to hit Bella! The first thing I thought was I need to protect her, I need to get to her! And suddenly, I was right next to her, and before my mind could catch up with my body, I was pushing her down and under her truck, out of pure instinct! Then, quicker than I thought was humanly possible, just like how I had gotten to Bella in the first place, I was turned around and bracing for impact, only thinking if I die, at least I did my job, though I have no idea what my "job" was.

Right before the van hit me, I felt a pair of strong, cold, arms wrap around me and pin me to the ground. But I didn't have a chance to notice anything else, because the van was still coming. It had curled gratingly around the end of Bella's truck and, still spinning and sliding, was about to collide with me again.

A low curse word made me realize who exactly had pushed me down, and two long, white hands shot out protectively in front of me, and the van shuddered to a stop a foot from my face, the large hands fitting providentially into a deep dent in the side of the van's body.

Then his hands moved so fast they blurred. One was suddenly gripping under the body of the van, and something was dragging me, swinging my legs around like a rag doll's, till they hit the tire of the tan car. A groaning metallic thud hurt my ears, and the van settled, glass popping onto the asphalt- exactly where, a second ago, my legs had been.

It was absolutely silent for one long second before the screaming began. In the abrupt bedlam, I could hear more than one person shouting Bella's name. But more clearly than all the yelling, I could hear Pretty Boy Edward's low, frantic voice in my ear.

"Tori? Are you alright?"

"I'm all good, Pretty Boy." I said, looking up at him. He gave me a still-worried smile.

"Thank god. Jasper would have my head if you weren't." I gave him a confused look. Why would Jasper kill him if I wasn't ok? I was a human, a liability. Then I remembered Bella. Oh my god!

"Bella?!" I turned to sit up, and he let me, releasing his hold around my waist and sliding as far away from me as he could in the limited space. I frantically looked under the truck, sighing in sweet relief when I saw she was safe and unharmed.

"Bella, babes are you ok?" I asked, just to make sure. She nodded, looking at Edward and me confusingly. "How-?" but she didn't get the chance to say another word, because all the screaming and shouting students found us, a crowd of people with tears streaming down their faces, shouting at each other, shouting at us.

"Don't move!" someone instructed.

"Get Tyler out of the van!" someone else shouted.

There was a flurry of activity around us, and Bella tried to crawl out from under the truck, but I pushed her back down.

✧ɪɴʜᴀʟᴇ✧〖𝙹. 𝙷𝙰𝙻𝙴〗(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now