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Pran's eyes were wide open as he felt a hot breath fan his cheek along with a strong grip on his nape which he knew belonged to who, almost immediately.

He turned to his side to find Pat, practically already asleep as he clung closely unto Pran, passing out after silently returning home from his night out drinking with his friends.

Pran found himself turning to Pat and gently calling his name, shaking his body slightly to wake him up. "Pat, get up. Go sleep in the bed, get up!" He whispered, raising a hand to lightly pat against Pat's cheek, only earning himself a whine as even more clinginess from his lover. Pran sighed and wrapped his arms around Pat's waist, struggling to pull both of the to a sitting or atleast upright position on the couch, with Pat wrapping his arms around Pran's neck in the process like a child.

Once more, Pran tried to get Pat up, being a little more assertive but it seemed like Pat was too gone to get up. With a sigh, Pran pondered for a minute before deducting that picking up Pat and carrying him to the bed was his best choice at the moment, seeing as he didn't want Pat getting a back ache since he has classes tomorrow.

"Urgh, you're-so heavy-!" He grit his teeth as he grunted, waddling his way to the room, trying his best not to stumble and fall with Pat in his arms. Finally, Pran managed to reach the bed with no casualties and dropped Pat onto the bed, on which he splayed himself like a fish before whining about the cold. Pran scoffed, moving his boyfriend around like a corpse to fix his position as he commented, "You're as big as a cow and you still-! bother-! whining, about the cold-!" He grunted once he finally pulled hard enough to heave Pat to the middle of the bed, already wiping sweat of his forehead and sighing.

But Pran's  challenges didn't end there, he went over to the kitchen and got a basin of water and the cloth they usually use to wipe the other, heading over to the bed and planting himself next to Pat, the basin on the nightstand as he proceeded to undress his boyfriend and wipe him clean of his sweat, which made Pran grimace at the amount of drunk Pat was.
Once Pran was done, he huffed out another puff of hard-worker's Carbon dioxide, heading to the closet to pull out a pair of shorts and sleeveless tee, just as Pat would always wear, even when it was 18° Celsius out.

Pran was about to help put the clothes on for Pat but before he could, Pat already snuggled himself under the sheets and fell dead asleep, immovable. With this, Pran cursed at him and gave up, chucking his clothes against the chest of the asleep Pat who was oblivious to the names Pran was calling him. Pran sighed and went to the rooms to turn off the lights before giving in and cuddling up with Pat in the bed.



Pat groaned, shuffling around in the bed, trying to coax himself back to sleep, only to push himself up off the bed once he'd failed. The smell of Pran's usual morning toast was soaring through the unit, it usually would cause Pat to run over and ask for a piece but the smell was making Pat feel like puking more than anything on this specific morning, it must be due to the shitty morning-after he's having.

Pat took a minute to assess his surroundings, he was in his and Pran's place, in their bed. Pat raised his eyes upon seeing he was basically bare, with a fresh change of clothes underneath him. The sight was confusing but he chalked it up to Pran putting him to bed last night, not bothering to think too much about why Pran didn't bother putting the clothes on him, knowing the other was probably done with him and tired so he settled with getting Pat clean. The disturbed blanket and creases in the bedsheet beside him tells Pat that he wasn't alone in the bed last night, which leaves some things for him to imagine but they'd most likely just be used as early morning flirting material rather than anything much.

Climbing out of the comfort of their bed, Pat brought himself over out into the kitchen when Pran was busy with cleaning, already wiping down the counter after washing the dishes.

Pat walked up behind Pran and slid his arms around his boyfriend's waist, leaning his throbbing head against Pran's back. He could feel a slight jump in Pran's skin but it immediately soothed down into comfort. Pat let out a small groan, "What are you doing?" He asked as a greeting, to which Pran scoffed, "Vacuuming," he answered sarcastically, chuckling to himself once Pat let out a grunt of disapproval. "Be for real..." he whined. Pran sighed, raising an eyebrow, he laid the cloth on the table and rinsed his hands before turning around to face Pat, "How about you take a shower? You stink." He asked, raising a hand to flick Pat's forehead.

Pat winced, reaching up to rub the sting away, "I woke up to be sweet to my boyfriend but I get told I smell instead, how cruel." He playfully sulked, to which Pran sported his smirk and raised an eyebrow at. "Don't even bother, go on, get cleaned up, you need to get to class." He said, grabbing Pat by the shoulders and turning him around, pushing him to the bedroom. Pat reluctantly stuttered in his step, letting out a slew of disheartened sounds and complaints as they got closer to the bedroom.

"Prannn..!" Pat whined again, only to have Pran stop and playfully smack his cheek, "What time do you think you got home last night, don't even think about it. Get ready or you're gonna be late." He scolded, which Pat of course ignored and  hugged Pran, nuzzling into his collar, "Thanks for cleaning me up last night," he mumbled, which drew a grin from Pran but he couldn't see it, "but then... I woke up with no clothes on this morning... did something happen between us," Pat pulled away to meet Pran's gaze, smirking in a way that let Pran know what was going to come, "before you cleaned me up?" He smirked wider. Pran, of course, was flustered but he knew enough to manoeuvre around this, so with a well administered smack to the side of the head, Pran resumed nagging Pat to get ready.

"Ah ah, okay, just let me kiss your cheek first." Pat bargained, earning him more words of reprimand but with a stolen cheek kiss, he giggled his mischievous self as he rushed into the bathroom to get away as soon as possible when Pran came at him with more physical attacks in plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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