Chapter 72~ Happy birthday

Comenzar desde el principio

I grab the papers from his lifeless body before tossing the pen at him and walking to Nicolas who's smushing the cigarette in the ashtray.

"Happy birthday" I shove the papers in his chest and he smirks looking at them before he goes to throw an arm around my shoulders but rolls his eyes when I glare at him. We walk out slamming the door behind us.

The story is, he was behind payment for drugs so some gang leader killed him.

We walk back out to where we were before and I sigh when I see Ivy and some other girl beside her throwing shots down their throats like nothing else in the world matters.

"Damn, who is that?" Nicolas asks crumpling the papers up and shoving them in his pocket looking at the girl beside Ivy, Sebastian just stands there looking at them in shock.

I look beside her to the chocolate skinned girl who's wrapping an arm around Ivy's waist and she whispers something in her ear making Ivy blush.

We walk closer and Ivy sees me before blushing even more, I raise an eyebrow and the girl follows Ivy's eyes seeing me.

"Okay, it was valid" she mutters looking at me before her eyes trail to Nicolas beside me.

She looks at him before rolling her eyes and throwing another shot down, before Ivy could do the same I grab her wrist.

"I think that's enough" I mutter and she lets out a small whine before turning to me and putting her hand out, "can I have 20 dollars?" She gives me puppy eyes before they turn into the eyes she gives me when my head is between her fucking legs

I roll my eyes and pull out my wallet pulling out a 20 dollar bill. She grabs it and gives it to the girl, "You win Aviana" she mutters and the girl smirks.

"I always win"

"I doubt that" Nicolas scoffs asking for a whiskey and she leans back looking at him with a glare, What the fuck is happening right now?

"I doubt that" Nicolas scoffs asking for a whiskey and she leans back looking at him with a glare, What the fuck is happening right now?

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I made yet another friend!

Aviana, the nice pretty girl who said I had a pretty dress. Then I started blabbering and blabbering about random things. And I am a little drunk so I ended up spilling that I let Ares fuck me before we got here when she asked why I was limping a bit.

Then we made a bet that Ares wouldn't let me drink more.

"Let's all go dance" I smile and everyone gives me a weird look. 

I roll my eyes and grab Ares's hand, from the corner of my eyes I see Nicolas wrapping an arm around Aviana's waist and Seb just asks for a drink.

"One song" I whisper to Ares and he groans as I pull him to the dance floor, his hands landing on my waist and slowly sliding down to my bum before he pulls me closer.

My arms wrap around his neck and I pull him closer as we sway our hips to whatever song this is, I want a McFlurry.

Word count: 2381

So that was a lot...

And to explain this is what happens between Nicolas and Aviana tonight.
They dance and shit but they never end up sleeping together or anything close to that because she was drunk and shit. So he waited until her friend came to the club and made sure they got home safe. That was all. It will be in the first chapter of his private dancer when that comes out but yeah, Just wanted to say that.

anyways remember to vote and comment babess

ish <3

ish <3

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