Chapter 15: Wake Up, Sunshine

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Chapter 15: Wake Up, Sunshine


To everyone's surprise, it was Lillie who made the first move and broke the tension. She turned to Ash and threw a Pokéball his way. Ash shot a quick glance to his right and caught it easily, a big grin on his face.

"Thanks, Lillie!"

"Metagross, Salamence, come out!"

Chi led the charge of the opposing side. Following his lead, the 40 or so Team Sigma grunts released their Pokémon to surround the group.

"Lillie, we'll take care of them! Use this!" Serena shouted, keeping her words precise. She tossed her cell phone to the blonde girl. She figured that Lillie, with all that brain power, would know what she meant.

Lillie nodded, catching the phone with both hands. "Right!"

"Watch over Altaria for a moment, please?" Lillie turned to Mallow. The green-haired girl nodded seriously, as Lillie diverted her attention away from their opponents and on to the phone in her hands. She quickly dialed a number and after a moment, she spoke again. "Hello, Sootopolis police? We are engaging Team Sigma outside of the Cave of Origin-"

"Let's do this, you guys!" Kiawe called loudly. The rest of the group rallied with those words, beginning to call commands to their partners. The fighting immediately broke out on a huge scale, with all of Ash's friends facing down more than a few Team Sigma grunts and their Pokémon. It was overwhelming, but the feeling of comradery was ever-present in a group with Ash, so morale remained high. They all knew they could do this.

Ash faced down Chi, holding on to what Lillie had thrown to him and taking out another Pokéball as well. He shot a sideways glance at his first partner. "Pikachu, I want you to go and help the others, okay? Watch their backs. We'll take of care of this one."

Pikachu nodded seriously, leaping off of Ash's shoulder and running off to assist his friends. Ash once again turned his attention to Chi, a grin beginning to break out on his face.

"Lycanroc, Gallade, you're up!" Ash called, improvising a bit.

The bright green eyes of Ash's brilliant orange Lycanroc appeared on to the battlefield, followed by a strange purple-pink colored flash before a Gallade appeared as well.

"Not sure what you were thinking with a double battle, but ain't no way you're gettin' past me." Ash grinned. "Your pals don't have a chance against mine, either. Groudon and Kyogre have both calmed down. The storm is gone. We've got you cornered. The upper hand is ours. Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"You insolent...!" Chi muttered under his breath. "It's certainly true that you kids have put us into an unfortunate position. Without the Blue and Red orbs, all we can do and sit here and watch the ancient Pokémon return to their slumber. However, no matter how much may think you've outwitted us, we proud Team Sigma members are not so uncouth as to give up without a fight."

"I can appreciate that much, at least." Ash nodded, understanding. "But all we have to do is run the clock, now. Your time is running out, and quick."

Chi snarled. "As if I'd let the bantering of a child deter me. Salamence, Flamethrower!"

"Block it with Stone Edge, Lycanroc!"

Chi's Salamence reared its neck back before firing a powerful Flamethrower toward Ash's partners, but Lycanroc slammed its front paws into the ground, which erupted into a wall of massive stones that kept the fire at bay.

"Go, Gallade! Night Slash! And Lycanroc, Rock Throw!"

Almost as if it had teleported, Gallade ran past the wall of rocks and took off towards Metagross, its blades at the ready. Lycanroc leapt into the air, forming a barrier of small rocks around itself before launching them at Salamence. The dragon-type was able to dodge swiftly, but a few of the rocks nicked its wings.

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