chapter 5

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Dylans pov:
I finished cleaning up after all the kids ate. It was almost time for that new band's show. I haven't met them but I heard about them through Vanessa. Their names are Sapphire, honey, starshine, and bolt. Sapphire is the lead singer, honey is the guitarist, starshine is the pianist and bolt plays the keyboard. I decided I should take a break and join in to see their show, so I did. After the show I was gonna talk to them after their show. So I went to their room looking for them. The first one was bolt. No one was in there and he had a messy room. I closed the door and went onto the next. It was starshine's room. It had rainbow flooring and some nightsky theme for the walls. Glow in the dark stars all over his walls. He had toys, coloring books and crayons on the floor. I closed the door and went onto Honeys. Again no one was there. She was organized. She had a nail salon. Her magazines were placed nicely on her counter. I closed the door and finally it was sapphires room. There they were! I covered my eyes "damn bitch, who idea was it to make your so fucking bright?" Her walls were covered in glitter and a bright pink "Your insulting my room!?" Said sapphire "yeah yours! Look at it! It has magazines all over the floor and the fucking walls are covered in glitter!" Sapphire looked a bit surprised that I talked back. "You really got some nerve. Barley anyone here wants to talk to me like that." Sapphire says "I'm no pussy. I yell at anyone. Even those annoying ass kids." I reply "If starshine saw you do that he'd be crying over here because you'd be making the kids cry. Isn't that right star shine?" Sapphire says and looks over to Starshine "I just love kids. And they're only kids we shouldn't be making them feel bad for mistakes they make. They have a immature mind." Starshine says "Yeah whatever starshine" says  sapphire, I looked at bolt and honey. They haven't said a word yet. "What about those two?" I ask and Sapphire looked at them. "That one is honey and the other one is emo." Says Sapphire meanwhile Bolt responded "what the fuck sapphire. I'm not emo." Bolt replied very angrily "Yeahh. Your room and looks tell me otherwise." sapphire says and reads her magazine He rolled his eyes. "Well I'm gonna get my paino from my room so I can go sing to the kids!" Said Starshine "Alright starshine" said sapphire. He left the room "well I probably gotta get back to cleaning so bye." I said and waved bye to everyone Sapphire waved "bye" back and I opened the door and left.

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