Chapter 4

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Hey y'all we added new characters as u can tell last chapter so yea btw there is two owners so yea I'm one of them and the other is yea

Honeys POV
As soon as I wake up I get out of my charging station and look at myself in my vanity and looked at my nails. I saw how plain they were and decided that after the show I would invite the lamb I saw and sapphire to do each other's nails in my room because I have a nail salon station in my room. After we sang many songs and we were taken to our rooms I walked out of mine to go see Ophelia and ask her if we can do each other's nails. Once I found her I dragged her to my room "ok here's my room feel free to try on stuff but don't leave ok!" I told her and left my room to sapphires room. Sapphires room is always so clean and sparkly. "Sapphire! Hey girl do you wanna do our nails with Ophelia?" I asked her she gave me a odd look and asked "who's Ophelia?" "The lamb that works in the day care!" I answered quickly "oh her..." sapphire said and gave a disgusted look but then she said "sure I guess" I jump up and down and run out of her room. After a while sapphire entered the room and we did each others nails. When doing sapphires nails ophelia tried talking to her but sapphire would just ignore her. I told ophelia to not worry about her but ophelia seemed a bit sad when sapphire would just ignore her. I decided I could try talking to sapphire about it after we're done in private. Things can't just stay like this. I realized I wasn't focusing and got some nail polish outside of sapphires nail and it was on her hand. "Shit, sorry girl I got some on your hand" sapphire responded sounding a bit pissed off "it's alright I guess. Just clean it please." I asked ophelia for the acetone but as she was giving it to me the opened nail polish bottle fell onto sapphires hand. It didn't put too much but sapphire got pissed and yelled at ophelia "What the fuck is your problem!? You ruined my hand even more!" Ophelia responded sounding nervous and scared. "I'm sorry sapphire it was an accident!" "I know damn well it wasn't!" I tried calming her down "sapphire we can just take it off. It's not a problem and it was just an accident." "No it wasn't!" "I swear it was an accident!" "How about you go back to that stupid daycare and crush another kids skull!" I got up. "Sapphire what the fuck!? You should know that's a sensitive topic for ophelia!" I see Ophelia tearing up and running out of my room. Sapphire started to stumble on her words and stutter "Well she ruined my hand!" "It's not ruined! We could've easily cleaned it!" I saw a feeling of guilt in Sapphires eyes. She told me to just clean her hand and she would go. So I did and she left.

Sapphires pov:
Honey cleaned my hand and I left her room. I felt bad for what I said to ophelia. I decided to go apologize to ophelia at the daycare so that's what I did. I walked to the daycare and looked around for her. I saw sun. "Hey sun, have you seen ophelia?" "I think she went to that cleaning bot Dylan!" "Thanks sun" I left the daycare and began to look around for Dylan and ophelia. I saw Dylan with Ophelia at a table. His hand on her shoulder trying it make her feel better as she cried. I went to her "hey ophelia.." Dylan looked at me ad if he was mad. Then ophelia turned to me with her sad face filled with tears. "I'm sorry for what I said to you ophelia. I overreacted and snapped at you. I feel bad." I brought her in for a hug. She responded "It's okay sapphire. I understand." "Thank you for forgiving me ophelia." She slowly began to smile and I smiled back then waved goodbye and went back to my room.

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