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It's been three years since Clayton was killed, his face still haunts me his words plague my sleep, but with my friends beside me everything will get better. I've learned to forgive Devon for what he did years ago, Ryan sometimes goes off to Icechester I went with him once it's beautiful there he has a child, Ian he's very small and cute.

Most days I spend with Phil and Devon wandering around the world exploring new places. Devon still talks of destroying any and all governments but for now we remain peaceful. Devon is apparently really good at violin I almost laughed when Phil told me, but he's actually really good. He's at peace when he plays, and its the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I beg him to play for me most days. He smiles, and plays.

I've gotten better at defending myself in fights I can almost beat Phil in combat but I'm still not that good.


"When does it go away?" I look at Devon"the pain of knowing what you did." I ask him sitting in his lap my head resting against his shoulder. "Sometimes you just need to except you made the world better, you saved yourself by doing what you did." Did i save the world? "Did we do the right thing?"

"I think we saved the world from a lot of trauma." I feel selfish sometimes, thinking I did it only to save myself. "We should've found a better option." No one deserves death.

"Why do you doubt yourself princess?" I look at him and sigh. "It just doesn't feel right."

"He had to much power, he would've done so much more to everyone not just us." He says playing with my hair. "Maybe."

I look at the blue sky the fluffy white clouds moving around it's almost like a beautiful painting in the sky. I used to look at the sky and hate it for being so beautiful, and being able to be free from the world. Sometimes the sky turns dark and grey but after the rain is always sun so maybe the sky is just like us, broken and grey until it rains and the sun is able to shine.

I think I was the grey sky for far to long but it finally rained and now I am the lovely free sky. Free from Clayton, free to do anything and everything I wish. Maybe I'll always feel guilty for killing him but every time I see them all smile I know it was probably worth it, their happiness is worth every penny. This may be selfish but I'm finally able to feel that happiness too and I now feel complete.


she felt guilty for so long after his death, after every thing he did to her she felt guilty for killing the monster. She might say she regrets it but I know deep down she is finally able to feel free. I've never seen her give genuine smiles to anyone until now and her happiness makes everything worth it. She asked me when the pain finally goes away, I don't believe it ever will I think we'll always be scarred from the past. The best way to deal with it is to keep living and making better memories leaving the worst one behind.

I know if she never went through any of it she wouldn't be with me today and so I thank Clayton for allowing me to see her every day of my life and know I made her smile. Before I would've said I had no one in my life but I've learned that's not true because I have Phil and I have Ryan, but most importantly I have her.

I have the most beautiful women who saved me, in every way I could be saved. She believes I saved her but looking down at those beautiful emerald eyes I know she saved me too. I smile knowing that for the rest of my life shell be there for me, and ill be there for her. Ill always be there to wake her from the nightmares, and hold her until she goes back to sleep.

Shell always be mine and Ill always be hers. The day I gave her the emerald ring that now sits on her finger, will be a day I will never forget, because she said yes. She looked though every flaw and got past all the pain, and she told me yes.

"I love you princess." I say kissing her soft lips, she presses herself into me kissing me back. Ill always love her.

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