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"Rose, what are we doing today." Clayton smiles. "Anything you want." He adds, gripping my hand in his. "Let's explore the village today." I always did love exploring. Clayton nods and follows behind me, releasing my hand. I smile skipping off ahead savoring the sun on my face.

"What's this?" Clayton asks plucking the sword off my back. My smile drops, and the happiness fades. "it's nothing Clayton." The playful smile he had is gone replaced with his mask of authority and darkness. "Oh?" He asks examining the sword. "Nothing? What were the rules Rose? Huh? Tell me what was the rule!"

"I must hand over my weapon to you everyday." I whisper cowering away from the man in front of me. "And did you hand this over to me?" He asks me his face angry as he stalks closer to me. "Well no, but you didn't ask and you normally don't ask and I just thought maybe..." Tears start to fall down my face. I hated when he got like this, but its my fault its all my fault.

"You know the rules Rose." He laughs, not one of humor. No there was no humor in his voice right now. "did you think you could get away with this!" Clayton steps closer to me his face inches away from mine. "Don't you EVER, EVER disobey me again."

"Clayton I'm sorry, I won't do it again." Clayton steps closer to me causing me to stumble backwards and fall to the ground he squats down in front of me and smirks. He reaches out causing me to flinch, he grips my chin forcing me to look at him."You better not Rose, I'm getting tired of you're insolence." his voice is calm it sends shivers down my spin, scaring me.

I gasp waking up, my ass is freezing and wet from the snow I'm sitting in. I shiver and look around I'd almost forgotten where I was but now I remember, I was lost. I groan burying my head in my hands. my body was shaking and numb, how long had it been? A branch snaps somewhere around me and I jump startled by it. "Hel-hello?" I stand up dusting off the snow coving my clothes. As if it would help, I was numb from the cold.

I look around looking for the culprit of the noise when I spot it two pairs of glowing yellow eyes. They move closer to me and under the moonlight I realize what they are, wolves. I gasp frozen in fear they start to growl prowling closer and closer to me. They then lunge for me I scream and take off running. I can't outrun them I know that I'll be dead soon my legs are already bursting in pain I can't keep going much longer.

"HELP ME! ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME." I scream. Tears are running down my cheeks as I run. I keep running but soon realizing what's in front of me, a dead end. I turn on my heels to face the wolves. I choke out a sob this is the end.


"She did what?!" I stomp out the door grabbing a torch. Phil says she went for a walk by herself she'll get hurt out there, she doesn't even understand the dangers out there. She could get herself killed, she's probably lost right now anyway. How stupid is she? Philza follows Behind me. It's almost dark she's been gone for hours. Fuck, she's gotta be freezing.

"Go that way I'll go this way." I point in a direction Phil nods taking off that way. I start for towards the forest. She could be anywhere. She could be hurt, dammit why does no one listen to me!?


I'd been searching for hours it's too dark out and hard to see, just when I'm about to give up and see if she's back home I hear it, her screaming. Panic tears through me as I take off in the direction, please be okay, please be okay, please.....


In one second the wolves were perusing me and the next hes standing in front of me, snow swirling around him from where he ran. The wolves were dead I didn't see how it happened it went so fast. I fall to my knees sobbing. Everything hitting me at once, I was exhausted, and starving, and alive, I was alive.

"Rose! Are you ok? What the hell were you thinking!?" Devon drops down in front of me grabbing my face he searches me for any sign of damage. He lets out a sigh when he finds none. "I'm sorry." I choke out. I didn't realize until now but I'm shaking my pants soaked from the snow, Devon pulls me into his arms in attempt to both calm me down and warm me. "Shhh it's ok." He try's to calm me eventually he gives up, scooping me up into his arms he carry's me, taking off towards home.

Her Soldier Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ