Chapter 24 (Phoenix)

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I feel so overwhelmed right now.

With that rather surprising call with Keigo, my thoughts have started to spiral. I am going to be a dad again! I mean, I never thought that would be possible with Keigo on his T-shots but it happened! I have another chance to see my child grow up! I missed so many important moments with Kai, but now I have another chance! I get to be a father again.

And then my excitement falters, as I remember the situation we are about to face. We are in the midst of a war and right now, the uncertainty and threat that is All For One hangs over our heads. My resolve steels at this moment. I am getting out of this alive. There is no way that I will be denied the life that I am envisioning right now with my love and my children.

It is almost go-time.

“Pheonix-san,” Best Jeanist calls out to me. “It’s time. They are gonna let us know our roles in the upcoming battle.”

I follow the man as we walk into the room where Shouto, Broccoli boy and the rest of the class 1-A stand waiting for us. Other pro-heroes are surrounding us, waiting for the call with Aizawa to link. Shouto notices me and walks towards me, stopping next to me.

“Is everything alright Nii-chan?”

I contemplate telling him what I’ve just learned. He is gonna be an uncle again and I know he has been very protective of Kaito, and was the one of the few who kept training with him when Keigo and I had been out hunting villains after Kai had shifted to U.A. Shouto looks at me curiously as I think and I sigh as I finally let the news out to him.

“You’re gonna be an uncle again.” I scratch my neck nervously as I say.

I am taken aback, as I see the huge grin that has now framed his face. I see joy in his eyes and excitement on his face. I chuckle and smile as he lets out excitedly.

“What?! Really?! I am gonna be an uncle again?!” He hugs me and my heart fills with love at my brother’s reaction. The usually stoic, emotionless Shouto was now excitedly running back to his friends to spread the news. His friends look at him in surprise as well, I guess no one expected this side of him.

This is what I have to protect. This is why I absolutely cannot let anything fall into ruin. This happiness that I and the people who I love hold, that cannot be taken from us. As Aizawa finally connects and explains his plan, I stand determined, a silent promise is made to keep the ones I cherish safe.

O little one who yet has to experience the joys of the world, I promise to be your guide. My brave son, I promise to eradicate all the evil, so that you can live a life of freedom and discover yourself. My love, I hope to come back to you safe and sound, so that we can finally have the happily ever after we have always envisioned.

I play with the box that has been lying in my pocket for who knows how long as we make our way to the battle center.

As Greenie makes the first move with Aoyama, the war starts.

All For One appears at the site where we decided to lure him and through the cameras that were set up around the area, we see the green bean and sparkle boy act out according to the plan. I know our chance to attack is close and I send a message to Keigo, on a last moment whim.

I love you. Wish me luck. Keep our little ones safe and stay out of trouble. I’ll be back soon.

I barely hear the ping signaling the message being sent, when Monoma or the Phantom Thief finally opens the portals after stealing the quirk from Kurogiri.

The chaos that ensues after all of that is humungous.

All For One plays his own cards, as all the villains who were able to escape us when we had been rounding up the escapees from Tartarus spill out from the sludge portals he makes. I see some familiar LOV faces, but ignore them as the Monoma works his magic again and we are all split up to our designated battle arenas. Shouto and I are with the angry Pomeranian, and we are facing Shigaraki. Broccoli kid was supposed to be with us, but somehow he got sucked into the wrong portal due to the fact that Monoma’s control over the portals is still lacking. As Eraser uses his quirk on Handsy McGee, Phantom Thief locates Deku and finally the kid appears and takes him down, as I myself defeat some of the villain stragglers trying to get in their way.

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