Chapter 18 (Phoenix)

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“Let’s go get our boy.”

Keigo and I stand outside the Commission building. Our faces are similar expressions of shock, horror and terror as it registers that the place we thought our son would be safe lay in front of us, fully wrecked.

“I’m calling the first responders.” Jeanist rushes to alert the authorities as Keigo and I stand motionless, still unable to process what we are seeing in front of us. I hear his voice behind me as he hurriedly lets the police know about the situation and I shake my head, trying to clear my mind.

"So that's why the illusion broke," Keigo comments and guilt fills my gut as I realize that the man who I had cursed out the most, had actually been fighting for himself and who knows how many other lives as the Liberation Army had attacked the building. I am so sorry, Miran. I hope you survived.

Rubble and debris surround us, as we rush in, scanning the place for any survivors and most importantly, Kaito. We both barge into the building through the huge hole at the entrance of the building. We rush towards where we last saw and left Kaito, the place that he always would be in when he was staying over at the Commission building. Keigo beside me starts to breathe faster and faster as we finally break into the room and see traces of a struggle. The panic on Keigo’s face becomes evident as it sinks in that our child was forcibly taken, his broken blue feathers are scattered within pools of melted ice, indicating that he may have used both his quirks, including the one that hurts him the most.

As I am trying to calm myself down from the panic and desperation that threatens to take over me, Keigo starts hyperventilating.

I throw away my own emotions as I see my love almost breaking down, "Hawks! Baby Bird! Birdie!" I shake him, in hopes of snapping him out of the onset panic attack, "Come on, Birdie. You can't help him like that. I need you to breathe."

He looks at me, and I can see the fear in his eyes for our son. He then focuses on the top of my head, where blue flames are bouncing around as my stress escapes through my flames. He can see that I am in the same predicament as him and nods towards me saying, “Sorry, Let’s go find him.”

We decide to go towards different directions. If Kaito was taken by the Liberation Army, then it is clear he was taken to one of the two locations that were the main bases for the Army. I head towards where the Paranormal Liberation Army was first formed; in the humongous underground basement under the Gunga Mountain villa that was owned by Re-Destro. As I rush towards the building, I try not to break. Kaito needs his parents now and he needs us to be strong for him. Breaking down now would not benefit any one of us in the slightest, as much as I wanted to curl up in a corner and let my emotions take over me. As I finally approach the villa, I see many of the first responders there, treating some of the injured heroes still present and the police leading out some of the Liberation Army members who had taken refuge within the mansion to their cars.

I first decide to look through the mansion itself. When the LOV were planning for their ultimate move, they frequented the mansion the most. Keigo and I would sometimes be forced to stay here overnight as the meetings with the heads of the Paranormal Liberation Front would be secretly held within the villa. It allowed us to stake out the place though, letting us get to know its lay through and through and which places would be suitable for holding any enemies if it were needed. As I check those very rooms, I come up empty.

I then rush towards the basement, and have to run around literally through its entire expanse before I find a pile of ropes at one of the pillars that seem to be cut off. Nestled between the pile of ropes, is a very familiar blue feather.

My frustration starts to grow and I frantically let out a few blasts of fire, as it seems that my hunch was right and our son was here. I crouch down, looking at the blue feather held in my hand as I try to think.

“Okay Touya, calm yourself down,” I say to myself, clutching my forehead with my free hand as I take a few deep breaths. “Think, think, where would Kaito be now?”

The first responders and police flash through my mind and with a “Oh!” of realization I rush outside. I run towards one of the officers overseeing the arrest of the villains on the spot, who looks just like a cat and immediately ask.

“Have you seen a kid with a quirk like Hawks? He has blue wings and white hair.”

The officer whose name tag reads ‘Tamakawa Sansa’ nods. “I think one of my subordinates took him to the main precinct for identification.”

So my second hunch is right as well.

“Any chance I can hitch a ride back with you?” I ask desperately.

Whether it was my crazed and pleading look or the tone of my voice, he nods and affirms a yes, and I get into his car. It takes another 30 minutes for us to reach there, and an excruciating half an hour that it is. I jump out of the car before it finally stops and leave the Kitty officer shouting after me behind as I dash into the precinct.

The problem now I face is that the entire precinct is jam-packed with the police, pro-heroes and captured villains, obscuring my vision for who I am looking for.

Oh fuck. Why?! Why does my son have to be captured and brought to a place where it’s difficult to find him?!

As I push through the crowd, I start screaming for Kaito. Some of the people around give me concerned looks and plowing through, I finally see my boyfriend and whom I presume is Kaito, hugging each other as Keigo’s wings engulf them both. Taking a sigh of relief, I walk towards them and try to open Keigo’s wings, which refuse to let me in.

“Baby Bird, it’s me, love.” I say and the wings open.

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