Chapter 7 (Hawks)

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It’s been a long day, and I’m just glad that the Commission didn’t seem to go as hard on Kaito as they usually do.

“You might be right,” I sigh in defeat. I can’t keep the fact that I’m actually considering his theory from him. “I think Dabi might actually be Touya.”

Really? Kaito signs back with wide eyes. What’s he like?

“Kai, I need you to understand that if he is, Dabi isn’t the same Touya I knew.” Even if I’m letting him know that he might be right, I don’t want him to get his hopes up too high. “I need you to remember that Touya or not, Dabi is still a villain.”

Kaito rolls his eyes at me. I know. I know, but so is the Commission.

That drags a slight chuckle out of me. The Commission does act pretty villainous at times. I’m about to respond when the burner phone Dabi gave me starts ringing. Why would he be calling me this late when we just spoke earlier?

“What’s up, Dabs?” I answer the phone. I have to wave away one of Kaito’s feathers that he sends to listen in the moment he hears me mention Dabi.

Dabi’s voice on the other side of the line is more chilling than normal. “We need to talk, Birdie. Meet me at the warehouse in an hour.”

“Understood.” I respond quickly. I wonder what has him so up tight. He wasn’t like this earlier when I was trying to get his reaction from me talking about Touya.

Since I only have an hour to meet with him, I have Kaito fly with me to the Commission, they would know if I left him by himself, and as soon as Kai is situated there, I take off for the warehouse, curious, and a little scared, of the reason that he wants to speak with me.

I arrive at the warehouse a little early, but it doesn’t matter because Dabi is already there, sitting on the floor and glaring at the door that I walk in through. Dabi has given me hard looks a few times since I met him, but never one this menacing. What did I do? Did he figure out that I think he’s Touya? Is he angry that I might know who he is?

“Keigo, how dare you!?” Dabi almost yells once I’m standing in front of him. He clumsily gets to his feet. “How long was I gone before you found someone else!? A day!? A month!?”

How long was he..? My eyes widen in shock. He literally just gave himself away as Touya, but what does he mean about finding someone else? I’ve never been able to get over his death enough to try dating, not like I have the time to anyways. “Touya?”

“Don’t Touya me!” He’s really pissed, and fire is dancing across his palms now. “Earlier, you were saying how I was the love of your life. Was that all a lie!?”

Now I’m really confused. I would answer, but I’m too stunned. Kaito has been right this whole time, Dabi really is Touya.

“I faked my death to get away from Endeavor.” He lurches a step towards me. “And you just turned around and found someone else, and had a little love child with them!”

“How do you know about him?” No one knows about Kaito. No one except me and the Commission, and now Endeavor, but I’m sure he barely even remembers our conversation.

“So you don’t deny the existence of your little love child.” Dabi’s flames on his palms are growing in intensity the angrier he gets. “Toga found out about the little brat for me. She’s very good at reconnaissance and undercover work.”

So I wasn’t crazy when I thought I had heard someone entering the house behind me earlier. It was Toga. She must have gotten ahold of the blood of someone with an invisibility quirk, someone like that girl in class 1A.

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