The Dawn Of The Supers (I)

Start from the beginning

"Is Dad going to work?" Mary asked.

"Yup. You know he works nights on Friday." Nala said.

"Aww man. What about action movie Fridays?" Brenden asked.

"Well if I leave for work right now, I'll be done by eight and it's Friday." I said.

"Oh yeah it is Friday." Brenden said.

"Late Bed Time." The twins said at the same time.

"No, actually we might go on a little trip." Nala said.

"Where?" Mary asked.

"Well you'll see." I said.

"Aww."  They said in unison. I kissed them both on the forehead.

"Ok babe. I'll see you guys at nine thirty." I said.

"Not a minute less." Nala said as we got into our cars and drove away.

Nala's Perspective...

"Mary how ya feeling kiddo?" I asked.

"I feel better, my eyes aren't itchy anymore." She said.

"That's good. Bren, what about you my strong boy?" I asked.

"I'm ok. Dad told me about the trick you taught him. And it worked." He said.

"I'm glad it still works," I said as Jude was calling me, "hold on guys it's uncle Jude calling. Hello?"

"Hey sis how's it going?" He asked.

"It's going ok. Brenden was just experiencing some X-ray and hearing and Mary laser eyes you know, normal Kryptonian things. How's the third and final year of grad school?" I asked.

"Ah you know... school. But anyways, that's not why I called."  He said.

"Oh, they what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" I asked.

"I want to ask Catherine to marry me? Do you think it's too sudden?" He asked me.

"One, that's adorable. Two, dude you're like twenty four. Three, if you know and you feel it, you just know." I said and he was quiet, "What's your gut feeling?"

"Maybe after twenty five." He said.

"All ways go with the gut." Mary said.

"I say think logically and intelligently. Sometimes your just hungry." Bren said.

"Hey guys." Jude said.

"Hi Uncle Jude."  The twins.

"Hi guys. Yeah I will call you back." He said.

"Ok, stay safe and behave." I said.

"I will I will." He said as we hung up. We arrived home, and I pulled into the driveway. "Ok we are home. Make sure you guys have everything."

"Ok." They said. I got out of the car and closed and lock the car door. I looked up at the sky. I noticed a bit of a greenish tint. I wasn't too worried but I wanted to check it out.

"Mommy what are you looking at?" Mary asked me.

"I don't know." I said as Mon-El came walking over.

"Just got back?" He asked.

"Yeah, was that there and I just missed it?" I asked him.

He then looked up, "No actually."

"Hi Uncle M." Brenden said as Mon-El squatted to his eye level.

"Hey superstars. Listen let's play a game, I'm going to count and you two have to hid. Rules are, you guys are only limited to the house. Not the backyard and most definitely not the pantry." He said.

The Toyman & His Wife (II)Where stories live. Discover now