chapter 22

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Y/N's point of view                                 Saturday

I woke up and went downstairs for some breakfast. We didn't have much in the kitchen so I just ate some cereal. I decided to try and do some of my homework so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. I turned on some Modern Baseball and got started.

While doing my homework, my mind kept wondering to the date last night. I still couldn't believe that happened, it was so sweet of him. Thinking about the date reminded me that I still needed to change his name in my phone. "What should I change it to? After all that I can't have him listed as Idiot neighbor." I could always change it back to hot drummer but... that's so uncreative... "What were the ones suggested yesterday? Oh,  myhot boyfriend and rockstar boyfriend... Those suck... What about.. no too cliche, it needs to be more creative than that.... Ummm... Oh! I know! It would be perfect!!!"

With that I typed in the new name...
(Leave your suggestions, only the best will be picked) 

I'm going to start including the days of the week at the top because I hate rereading like 12 chapters to figure it out. Also yeah this is a short update, I'll do more sometime soon hopefully

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