Chapter 2

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Y/N's point of view

  The alarm on my phone went off. I got up and put on some music to start my day.
[music playing, "Hi my name is Ronnie I'm an..."]
I put on a MCR shirt, threw on some pants, put on a flannel, grabbed my bag and headed to the bus stop after saying bye.

The ride was fairly short, soon we were at the school. I went to the office to grab my schedule and to get a locker assigned. I was starting in the middle of the school year, fun. Soon I headed to my first class.

Math first is the worst but hey, it's out of the way now.
Next was english everything was pretty normal until half way through the class a guy walks in. Without turning his head the teacher said "Rodrick, you're late... Again. Detention after school."

"Yep" the guy said smiling a goofy smile to himself before sitting down in the empty seat next to me.

The rest of the class went smoothly enough though the guy next to me clearly wasn't paying attention at all. He had some earbuds in and was carving something in to the desk.

The teacher called on him. No response. I gently nudged him a nodded up towards the teacher. He looked at me for a second with a confused look on his face before realizing that the teacher was calling on him.

"Sorry teach, I didn't hear." he responded sarcastically pulling one of the earbud out.

"Figures" the teacher responds muttering something undecernable under his breath.

He continues "Y/N same question to you"
I could feel the guy glance at me.

"I-It could symbolize the internal fight between the authors thoughts and what he's been told by society sir." I responded nervously, answering in front of the class is hard especially on your first day.

"Good, finally someone with half a brain in my class". The bell rang and everyone headed out.
Finally i got to my last class, history. The teacher said i could sit in any open seat so i looked around. One was in the front by the teacher's desk and another was in the back with the guy from earlier. Rodrick i think his name was.

He was drumming on the desk with some pencils while presumably listening to music again. Well, I cant sit up front, i don't want to be immediately stereotyped as the teachers pet and it couldn't be too bad sitting next to him.

He was a bit loud drumming on his desk so it was kinda hard to pay attention. I looked at him to see if he would even try to pay attention, nope. I turned back to look at the board.

A tap on my right shoulder, I look. Some girl hands me a note, "he's completely oblivious to everything except his band, don't even bother."

Okay then... I crumple the note to throw away later and continue doing notes. The bell rings and the girl walks up to me as Im putting my notebook away.

"My name is CC nice to meet you"

"Uh, hi my name is Y/N, nice to meet you too"

We talk as we walk out of the classroom and soon head in different directions as i head to the bus loading zone.
I walk in the door and my parent says that we will be having dinner with the neighbors later tonight.

"Okay." I head upstairs and sit in my room starting the homework after I put on some Linkin Park.

I finish most of my homework and go on Snapchat to see what my friends are doing. It feels weird to see them hanging out and me being so far away. I exited Snapchat before my feelings became too much. I didn't want to move but with the job transfer i didn't have much of a choice.

"Y/N ready for dinner? We should probably head over soon."

"One second!" I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair a bit and put on a simple but nice bracelet and then headed down stairs.

"Ready" I said as i came down the stairs.

"Okay" and with that we headed outside then next door.

We ring the doorbell and hear a rush of footsteps and some talking before the door opens.

This will be continued next chapter of course but rightnow i need a short break.
I also thought that this would be a fun place to leave off. Cliffhanger kind of lol

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