Chapter 12

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Y/N's point of view

We finally arrived at the venue for the show. This place had less cars at it than the last show but that was probably because it wasn't the best time to have a show.

"Im so ready for another show, the last one was so much fun!" I was practically bouncing in my seat as I unbuckled.

"You going to remember to take some photos this time or will I have to be the one to remember again?"

"I don't know if I'll remember or not" I said laughing opening up the door.
"I guess I'll have to bring you along to remind me, sucks I really wanted to enjoy my day" I continued sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes playfully, "Guess you're stuck with me"

We walked to the entrance and he, of course paid because there was no chance he was going to let me pay for something again after i paid for the monsters earlier. I don't understand why he's wants to pay for everything so badly, maybe he just wants to be nice but even still he doesn't give me a chance to pay for anything at all.

We walk in and find a place to stand. There weren't that many people so it wasn't hard to find a space. Soon the band started with a cover of "Be my escape". They played a mix of originals and covers.

I wispered to Rodrick during the set, "Loded Diper is better"

"Duh, we're the best" he said overconfidenly

The show was soon over. "You didn't take any photos again"

"You can't remind me before the show ends!?"

"You looked like you were busy having fun dork"

"Well did you atleast take some?"

"I may have forgot as well... but we can take some at the show later."

"Why do I even bother to keep you around" I say laughing

"Imagine how boring your life would be without me." he smirked

"I also wouldn't have anyone paying for everything I want."

He rolled his eyes smiling.

"Food?" he questioned raising his eyebrow

"Obviously" I laughed

We left the venue and headed out to go eat.
Sorry this chapter is short, while moving I suffered a head injury and am still recovering.
Chapters will return to a more regular upload and length soon.

He's not that bad - Rodrick x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now